Pleading Frog Eyes

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"I'M LATE!" Naruto yelled as he jumped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom. Ryoko woke up with a start, yawning after Naruto disappeared behind the door.

"SORRY, RYOKO, GOTTA GO." And with that, Naruto closed and locked the front door. Ryoko blinked, collecting her thoughts and slowly realizing what just happened. The cat sighed and walked to the kitchen for food. She quickly found out, however, that Naruto didn't have any snacks for her to eat and instantly became bored.

She explored the place but got bored with that easily. Then the creature gave itself a bath, finding nothing else to do.

Her eyes lazily drifted across the room before her red eyes settled onto a green pouch. She tilted her head in confusion but quickly panicked.

She knew Naruto doesn't eat anything but ramen and he didn't take any lunch with him, making her worry even more as the painted on frog eyes stared at her, almost pleadingly. Her tails thumped anxiously as she stared back at the pouch.

Without a second thought, she launched at the pouch and picked it up with her teeth, running as fast as she could to the window and opening it up.

She sniffed the air and took off after Naruto's scent, not wanting her friend to starve when lunch time rolled around. She realized lunch was only a few hours away and shouldn't be worrying this much but decided not to stop now.

Ryoko dashed into the building but stopped at the sliding door for Naruto's class. She couldn't open sliding doors, especially ones that were too tall for her. The cat thought for a second before running back outside, to the front of the building.

She jumped through the window to the blonde's class, successfully shattering it to pieces. Everyone's attention suddenly snapped to the two-tailed creature.

It shook off the glass and trotted over to the blonde who, thankfully, wasn't sitting too far away. Iruka pulled out a kunai, ready to attack, but what happened next threw him off.

Naruto smiled widely and hugged the red-eyed creature. Everyone recovered from their shock and stared in fear and confusion at the cat.

"What are you doing here, Ryoko? I thought I'd see you after school?" He placed the two-tailed creature on his desk, ignoring the rest of his class.

"You left your money on your nightstand." Naruto scratched the back of his head with a sheepish grin on his face. Everyone's eyes widened when they heard the creature talk.

"Hehe, yeah sorry. Hey, Ryoko, do you want to stay-" Naruto was interrupted by a girl screaming and pointing at the creature.

"What is that thing?!" People backed away in fear of the demon looking cat while Naruto turned towards the girl who said that.

"That "thing" is my best friend and her name is Ryoko!" The blonde was angered by the tone the girl used, hugging the cat close to his body in a protective way. Her tails wagged happily as a closed eye smile appeared on her face.

"Iruka-sensei, can Ryoko come to every class?! Please!?" Naruto yelled, wanting his best friend to stay by his side all day. Iruka recovered from his shock as he stared at the cat in Naruto's arms.

"A-As long as it- uh she doesn't become a distraction, then I guess it's alright..." Iruka trailed off as he scratched the scar on his nose, putting away his kunai with his other hand.

Naruto fist pumped the air as Ryoko yipped happily, causing everyone to break from their trance.

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