New Friend

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For the first few missions, Ryoko stuck to Naruto's side, making sure he never got hurt, however, after those first few, she grew bored and decided to go follow someone else around.

And she found someone.

Asuma Sarutobi was that someone.

She was sitting in the Hokage's office one day because Naruto was gone on another mission, leaving her alone in the apartment. She grew bored and decided to annoy the old man by running around the room, nonstop, for hours before sitting in one spot and staring at the old man unblinkingly.

It freaked Hiruzen out that it almost gave him a heart attack.

But now he was just uncomfortable and weirded out.

So he tried to focus on his paperwork to get rid of the weird feeling, successfully blocking out the two-tailed cat's gaze.

She then grew bored of that too, deciding to jump on his desk and sit there, staring intently at anyone who walked in.

Ibiki was stiff as a board by the time he left the office.

Kurenai looked like she wanted out of the room as fast as possible.

Choza seemed to fidget a lot under her gaze.

Anko was about ready to stab Ryoko if she kept staring at her with her "demon eyes of death."

Inochi kept asking why she was here like a child, not understanding why but also uncomfortable with it being around him.

Shikaku left earlier than expected, almost running out of the room once his report was done.

It seemed like everyone who fell victim to the cat's intense stare immediately became uncomfortable, forcing their nervous habits out of them, and made them sweat a little under her slitted gaze that never blinked.

That was until a man with black hair and olive colored skin walked into the room smoking a cigarette.

He was laid back and seemed very nonchalant about everything. He was less lazy and more uncaring, like Kakashi. Asuma never really liked getting involved in something unless it was absolutely necessary.

He was an unusual individual and Ryoko decided he was worthy enough to follow around.

And that's what she did.

While Naruto was gone, she'd follow around Asuma as he walked to many different places, all for different purposes.

First, he would go to his house, where he lived by himself, and watch tv for half an hour. Then he would head over to Kurenai's house, asking her on a date without actually asking.

He would always show up with flowers and take the woman's hand, walking into a nice restaurant or a premade picnic.

Ryoko wasn't exactly sure when he had time to prepare for these things but decided not to question it.

Only when Asuma was finished with his date would Ryoko walk side by side with him. She would follow him around town, into stores, in alleyways, into the bathroom, but Asuma didn't seem to mind.

To him, it was just like having a pet.

But he only became uncomfortable with the bathroom part when he found out she could talk. At that point, he made sure she never saw his hotdog again if she had the chance to talk about it.

But after a pretty eventful day, the evening would be spent at Shikamaru's house, where he would play shoji and lose every time.

She never understood why he kept playing if he only lost, but didn't question it. Instead, she would have a conversation with the two as they played.

She slowly grew to like Asuma and Shikamaru, finding them quite fun to be around on relaxing days.

Anyway, it seemed that every four hours, Asuma would find something to snack on.

Ryoko was really happy when she saw him during these times, as he would share his food with the cat every time.

When the day ended, he went back home, snuggling into his blankets as he watched a couple of movies before going to bed.

Of course, Ryoko was never able to spend a whole day with Asuma since Naruto's missions only lasted a few hours.

But today, Naruto would be going on a C-rank mission instead of a regular D-rank.

And Ryoko knew that it would last longer than the other missions Naruto's been on before.

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