Clouds Gotta Taste Good, Right?

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Everyone immediately jumped away as soon as those words left Kakashi's mouth.

Except for Naruto and Ryoko.

"You and me! Right now! Fair and square!" Naruto crossed his arms over his chest, making the jonin sweatdrop.

"You know, compared to the others, you're a little bit...weird."

"Oh yeah? The only thing weird here is your haircut!" Ryoko snorted as she laid down underneath a nearby tree, her sleepiness overpowering her will of playing with the silver bell.

Naruto ran towards Kakashi, stopping in front of him as the jonin's hand reached for his weapons pouch.

Kakashi pulled out an orange book, one that Ryoko knew all too well. The blonde blanched at the book, expecting the jonin to pull out a weapon or something. The boy blushed a little as he stared at the orange book with a man chasing after a woman on the cover.

Ryoko tuned out the rest of their conversation, staring at the swaying a trees instead of their fight. She was ready to step in, however, if she needed to.

But deep down, she knew Naruto wouldn't want her help, probably wanting to do it by himself.

Naruto tried to attack his sensei multiple times but failed miserably. Kakashi ended up getting behind the boy and closed his book, forming his hands in a hand sign meant for jutsus.

When Naruto was sent flying into the air, Ryoko was surrounded by fire and transformed into her saber form, flying up quickly to catch Naruto without Kakashi noticing.

She caught him with ease, holding Naruto up by the collar of his jacket.

'I can't let our fight end like this. Quickly, Ryo, turn me towards Kakashi sensei!' Naruto spoke through the mind link.

Ryoko grunted in response and turned around, watching as Naruto pulled out a two shuriken while Kakashi was distracted with his book.

The shuriken flew over to the jonin with great speed, but the silver-haired man caught them with ease, letting them spin on his index and middle finger, his eyes not once moving away from the page.

Ryoko glided to the ground, carefully setting down Naruto as she landed. He stood up and glared at the man.

"What are you doing now? You know you won't get lunch if you don't get a bell by noon." Kakashi said in an uninterested tone.

"I know, I know! You told us already!" The blonde yelled.

Ryoko ignored their conversation and ran back over to a spot under a tree, laying underneath it as if nothing happened.

Naruto created several clones and they all dashed towards the silver-haired man. Ryoko watched the clouds roll by as she tuned out the rest of the fight.

She licked her lips once more, thinking how good those clouds must taste.

Ryoko turned back to the world around her when she saw Naruto go after a bell on the ground, immediately getting tied up into a tree.

The sabercat flashed before Naruto, using her tail to burn off the rope, having the blonde fall and do a couple of flips in the air before landing safely on the ground.

Before Naruto could thank her, Ryoko stared at the bell as her slits grew thicker. She sniffed it and picked it up with her teeth, the jingle of two bells alerting Kakashi and Naruto.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes, jealous that the sabercat got to a bell before he could.

"Alright, Ryoko, give me back my bell," Kakashi said, holding out his open hand to Ryoko.

"Wait, wait! Ryo, give the bell to me! I'm your best friend, believe it!" Naruto yelled opening his palm to her as well.

"You've known me for a long time, Ryoko. You know that you can trust me."

"Don't listen to him! He's dumb and just wants to mess with us. Give me the bell." Naruto exclaimed, staring at the saber cat.

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