My first friend

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  2018. Februar 21.

  The next day at the hostel I was burried myself in emails and literally anything which made it possible to avoid eyecontact with well...anybody. I felt too embarrassed afterall what happened. The guy eventually left so I only made a scene for nothing. However it didn't go as bad as I expected it. Few hours passed when a girl from Turkey came up to me. Directly to me, actually.
- Sorry for disturbing you but can I have a question?
- Yeah, for sure. It''s my job. - I replied and she offered me a smile.
- So, I was wandering how can I get to Heros' square? And when I change from one subway to another should I validate a new ticket?
- Erm, here-here's the map. I'll show you.
During my explanation she often said aha with a typical turkish intonation which honestly is really cute.
- Thanks, are you?
- Me? I'm...
- After yeyterday, you know.
- Yeah, well. It's okay. - I shrugged.
- I felt so sorry for you. That man was really harsh with you. But I was relieved when your boyfriend came to get you.
- Boyfried? - I asked in astonishment.
- Boyfriend? - my coworker, Nora's head shot up.
- No, he's definately not my boyfriend. - I tried to make it clear but as soon as I uttered the sentence Nora's and the turkish girl's eyes met.
- Really?
- Yeah, he...he's just my flatmate.
- Really? - they asked again and their voice began to rise in an annoying way. - You say that you live with that gorgeous man?
- Yeah, that's true. - I replied, and they gasped.
- OMG! How lucky you are!
- He's pretty handsome, I can admit it but...
- Have you thought about it? - Nora asked with a smile.
- About what?
- You know, you and him getting together and shit? - when my face turned horrified Nora laughed out loud.
- No! Absolutely no!
- Shame on you, darling. - the turkish girl said and winked. - Thanks for your advice, by the way. See you later, girls!
We watched her make her to the door, said goodbyes again and when I heared her steps on the stairs I almost collepsed.
- So - Nora looked at me - he's your flatmate. Then why did you asked me to call him?
- I don't have anybody else here. I've just moved from the countryside.
- I see. - she said. - Maybe I can help with that.
- What do you mean?
- We could hang out sometime, get to know each other, shit like that.
- Oh, yeah! I would really appreciate it! - my face brightened up immediately. - Would you like to go shopping with me this weekend?
- This weekend, huh? Probably I can make some time for it. Shopping is life, I'm telling you. - she said laughing. - what are we looking for though?
- I need something to go out for a bad ass party, or something. - I mumbled.
- really? I thought you didn't have anybody else than...
- He invited me. With his friends, I guess.
- We might just have a jack pot in our hands, baby!
She went crazy about the topic but the benefit of all about this partying thing is that it got us closer and I made my first friend. Maybe it's really true what she said. Maybe parties aren't the worst thing that could happen to me.
Hey guys, sorry for making you wait so much!! Still I hope you enjoyed it :)

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