My first kiss (badass party 1.3)

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    Hello there dear me! Again...
Well, so far I managed to hide in my room whatching the dumbest shows probably existing. But at night I realized how thirsty I am which made me sneak out from my safeplace. How brilliantly my timing was, because Kazimier has just decided to leave to work. So he was eating some chinese fast food while I took a bottle from my fridge. He was staring right at me. I could feel his gaze was looking through me into the depth of my soul which held a lot of guilt. I left him at the party totally alone without any explanation and when he found me... and holding the bottle in front of him,

with blood in it,

made me remember to the exact moment when I decided to run off to have some fresh air.
Yeah well I did, but also I got myself into an inconvenient situation.
Finally I looked at him, all embarrassed, and still he was gazing me.
- Hey. - I said almost whispering.
- Hey, sleeping beauty, how are you after last night?
- Well, I have been better. You?
- I'm okay, but can I ask you something, just out of curiosity?
- Sure.
- What happened with Simon?
- Oh, with him? He-he sent me a greeting too in the morning.
- You two seemed to get along pretty well. - he smiled.
- We can say that...
In fact, we really did but not in a way he thought.
   I met Simon when I ran away from Kaz to the entrance of the bar.
Simon leaned to the wall, he tilted his head back, while he was smoking. At first I didn't notice him. I was breathing heavily, tried my best to clear my thoughts. The cold air calmed me slightly, I rubbed my arm until Simon stepped forward. I heared  his boots creaking on the ground.
- Hey Hannah! - he said in a low voice, his fingers roughed up his dark chokolate brown hair, his glowing emerald green eyes focused on me.
- Hey. - I replied nervoulsy - What are you doing out there?
- Well, I don't really like parties and such. I came for the gang.
- Oh i see. And are-are you smoking weed?
I did everything to hold up this conversation, not letting him to notice my struggle with my awakening monster who would hunt him down in any second, just to drink his blood.
- Yeah, want some? Hey, come on! It won't bite, baby girl. Have some fun!
Oh, shit... I shut my eyes, don't go crazy, don't go crazy! No biting...
- Fun you say...
- Well then, here it is, my lady.
- Oh sure - he gave it to me, and I didn't even know what I was doing. -And...isn't it lonely being here alone?
- I'm not alone anymore, besides I like to watch the sky, it has something mysterious in it.
- I don't like it.
- Why?
- Because it reminds me of the worst part of my life.
- Huh, that sounds intresting.
- Oh shut up!
- Why? I like the dark side of people.
- Really?
- Yeah, that's the easiest way to get to know somebody.
- What's your dark side then?
- You wanna know me?
- Maybe.
- I always show my dark side. So what's yours?
- Maybe running off and killing people.
- Are you kidding me or what?
- No.
- Well, I don't belive you. Show me.
- You want me to run off killing people?! Are you out of your mind? I can't believe you!
- We're even then. But still. Maybe I want you to run off. To get you wild. Show me.

I could feel the animalistic creature in my stomach howling for justice.
My pupil was getting bigger and bigger. I wanted his blood, and my mind went blank, I heard Kazimier's sweet words in my head. It was so smooth...and I lost it.
All the shameful feelings came back, the temptation. The fierce longing and the hunger. The sight of Kazimiers pulsing neck. And in a second I was moving toward him. I wanted to bite him. My fangs were aching and I wanted to, I really did but the guy misunderstood me. He leaned in too, and our lips collided, his fingers held my face.
   And that was when the door opened and appeared a shade in the glowing lights. The shade of Kazimier.

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