Chapter 1- cutie at Dunkin

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I woke up to a feeling of a body jumping on top of me. I let out an 'umph' and shot up immediately. I looked to see my little brother, Max, jumping on my bed.
"Are you ready for Dunkin Avey?" He said with his adorable little voice. He was only 6 years old, the youngest of the family. When he was younger he couldn't pronounce his "n's" so he just called me Avey, and I guess the name just stuck. Now everyone just calls me Avey or Ava. Don't even ask how he got that from Annabella

I smiled at him, not possibly able to get mad for jumping on me 2 minutes ago, "Yes Max, go get dressed I'll be out in a little bit." I said, making my way over to my vanity as he smiled and left the room.

I looked in the mirror at my treacherous morning hair. I was a brunette with natural blonde highlights, and blue eyes that ran through my family. All of my brothers had it, and so did both of my parents.

I sighed and headed to the bathroom, before a sharp pain stopped me. My damn knee. I grabbed my brace from my vanity and headed to the bathroom once again. I brushed my hair and my teeth, and then used the bathroom. I then threw on the outfit above, not really caring what I wore because no one is ever in Dunkin Donuts on a Saturday morning in DC.

I grabbed my phone off of the charger and headed downstairs to see my oldest brother, Ant (Anthony) tying Max's shoes. I smiled at them and walked into the kitchen.

The rest of my family was at the kitchen table, eating the huge buffet my mom probably made. Everyone was currently in the house because it was summer break so we all came home.

The first chair was empty, so it was probably Ant's seat, then was my second oldest brother jeremy. Him and Ant were super close and both currently played in the NHL. Then was my third oldest brother, Will. He was currently in the minors, and the only guy to not want to be a goalie in the family. Next to him we're the twins, Alex and John. They were currently 12 and super hyper. Finally next to them was my dad, Martin, and my mom, Genevieve. Well, stepmom.

My real mom had all of us except for Max. She was a psycho and alcoholic, and for some reason she always took it out on me. She used to hit me all the time, and when my brothers found out, they instantly told my dad and he fought so hard to got full custody over all of us. Thank god he did. When I was 9, my dad started dating Genevieve, or Gen, and she was super young at the time so she was almost like an older sister to me. She told me that I didn't have to call her mom because I was still going through some PTSD when her and my dad got married

It took me some time, but we all do, though, and she's fine with it. I'm honestly so glad she's in my life because I don't know what I'd ever do with out her. I go to her with all of my troubles.

"Morning guys. Mom, dad, I promised the twins and Max that I would take them to Dunkin this morning, is that okay?" I said grabbing my sunglasses and keys off the counter.

Gen smiled, "Of course sweetie. I moved your car last night, so it's in front of ours. Unless you want to move all the cars, you can take mine." 

I let out a nod and I shriek. She knows I love her Jeep.
"Cmon boys." I said putting my glasses on and grabbing my moms keys.

"Wait I want to come." Will said running up to us right before we left.

Once we were outside I helped Max into the backseat since the car was pretty high, and Alex sat in the back with John, and Will sat in the front next to me.

I let John play his music, even though it was cringe twelve year old music, because the ride was only about 5 minutes.
Right before we hoped out of the car I stopped Will, "So tell me imbecile, why are you spending quality time with your siblings without being forced. Is there a girl here?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"No, I love you guys." He said obviously lying. I can tell when something is up with him. We were the closest after all.

"Fine. My friends from our world juniors league are here. We have practice in 3 weeks remember? Well they're here early and I wanted to see them today."

"So why couldn't you just go and meet up with them?" I asked with a smile. This kid is such a dork.

"Because I didn't feel like driving. And you're the only safe driver in the family... sometimes." He said with a grin on his face. I just laughed at him, getting out of the car and grabbing Max's hand, and the five of us crossed the street.

When I opened the door the little refreshing sound of the bell above the door soothed my ears. I proceeded to the line with the boys as Will made his way over to a group of 5 kids.

I put my sunglasses over my head and ordered mine and the boys food and sitting down at a table.

"So Avey," Max said munching on his strawberry frosted donut, "When are you going to play hockey again?" He asked

I cringed and looked down at the brace on my knee, "I don't know yet buddy. But I'm gonna take a break from school and hockey this year to get better, remember?" I asked him. I hated talking about this subject but I wanted to sound strong to Max. I had taken a really big hit last year, my junior year of high school, and I dislocated my knee in two different places, and after months of recovery, they had to do surgery because they found bone fragments in my knee, causing me unbearable knee pain.

He nodded, "I can't wait for you to play again. All of my friends think girls are gross, but they love you. They think it's so cool how you're the best girl hockey player everrrr." He said over exaggerating at the end. I chuckled and then started talking to the twins.

"How are you two nerds doing so far with training?" I asked them.
"Well I'm doing incredible because I was a second faster than Alex when we went to run the track with dad the other day." John said bragging.

Alex groaned, "Oh shut it. At least I have a girlfriend." He said sticking his tongue out at John.

I just smiled at their foolishness and couldn't help but feel like someone was staring at me. I turned my head to the group of boys my brother was talking to and they were all staring at me. I then noticed them all quickly turn around and my brother slapped one of their heads.

I just ignored it, going back to talking with the boys and occasionally answering some snapchats. Eventually my mom texted me saying she needs the car so I had to go home.

The boys and I threw out all of our garbage and we walked over to the table Will was sitting at.

He was in mid conversation so I tapped him shoulder, "Will, we have to go. Mom needs the Jeep." I said.

He groaned, "Dammit." He whined but instantly looked up at me with an idea like a lightbulb was over his head. "How about you come back for me in your car?" He said pleading with his eyes.

I groaned, "fine". All of his friends just stared at me, and I looked at all of them until my eyes came over one. He had bright blue eyes and a godly structured face. Holy hot. I shook it off and turned away before it looked like I was staring.

"I'll be back". I said leaving to the Jeep.

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