Chapter 23 - Happily Ever After

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11 months later

I screamed victoriously as I did my lap around the ice, holding the beautiful silver cup in my hands. I then passed it off to my gorgeous fiancée, who smiled at me, taking it greatfully, and doing his lap.

Miles, Mackenzie, and Taylor wrapped me in a group hug and embraced me tight, cheering for our incredible victory over the New York Rangers, and winning the Stanley Cup.

Jack came back from his lap and placed a short kiss on my mouth, "I love you so much right now. And I have something to ask you."

I grinned at him, "Well I have something to tell you, but you go first."

All of a sudden Jack was on his knee with a microphone in his hand and the camera was pointed towards us, "Annabella Grace Brodeur, you are the only reason that I keep on going everyday. The only reason that I'm still here. When we were on that break for 4 months, 15 days, and 7 hours, I was the worst version of myself I could possibly be. All of my records that I set in world juniors, everything that I've ever worked for in life, that meant nothing to me. What I needed was you. The second I had you back I realized how much you fit into my equation of a life.."

He said as a tear dropped down my face, but he still continued, "I know that love is just a shout into void,  and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we're all doomed, and that one day all of our labors will be returned into dust. And I know that the sun will swallow the only earth we've ever had, and I am in love with you, Annabella Grace, Will You Mary Me?"

He asked and I nodded my head eagerly, not able to get any words out of me. Tears were gliding down my face as I kissed and then hugged him.

I grinned at him and spoke into the microphone, "I'm pregnant." His eyes widened at frost but then he looked at me with the happiest smile on his face and hugged me again.

Everyone's families then gathered onto the ice as my father, brothers, and jacks family congratulated us.

4 years later

I am now 22 and I had decided 4 years ago that it had been a good idea to take a 5 year break from hockey. And by break I mean have kids and then workout the rest of the time.

3 years ago, on August 29th, Jack and I had the most beautiful twin boys, Carson Mitchell Hughes and Brandon Connor Hughes. I'm guessing you could tell by their middle names that their godfathers were Connor and Mitch.

We didn't leave Dylan out though, because we had another boy a year and a half later, Dylan Wesley Hughes. And I don't know if you guessed it, but I am in fact pregnant, and it's with a little baby girl.

I'm currently 8 months pregnant and I am freaking huge. It's currently June though, so we're having the baby during offseason. And since I'm more than positive that Jack and I are done having kids, I think that I might be able to get back to my team if I'm cleared.

I walked down the steps of my humongous 8 bedroom, 10 bathroom house with Dylan in my arms, and the twins following behind me.

We moved pretty slowly, considering that I was super pregnant and I had to make sure that the three year olds behind me didn't fall.

Jack had left me a note this morning, saying that he had to go get something, but he'd be back by 11. I frowned a little, considering that it was our 3rd anniversary

I put all Dylan in his high chair and spoke up to the boys, "Boys can you get up on the chairs please." They had little strap on high chairs that could be placed on a regular chair.

The boys sat at the table, and I turned on the hockey channel so the boys could watch replays. I didn't force them to get into hockey, there loved it ever since they were little.

"I can't wait to be like Uncle Will, Luke, Quinn and you and daddy one day!" Carson cheered making me laugh. Brandon sighed, "I think I wanna be a goalie like grandpa Marty, uncle Anthony, Uncle Jeremy, Uncle Alex, Uncle John.... and Uncle Max!" He counted off on his fingers making me laugh the whole time.

I finished cooking scrambled eggs and pancakes, and broke it up so the boys could eat better. After I gave Dylan his bottle, I started eating my food as well.

After we all finished, I placed Dylan in his playpen with a bunch of toys, and the boys sat on the couch watching TV as I did the dishes.

Finally, when I was all done, I sat on the couch next to the boys when someone came through the door.

"Daddy!" The boys cheered and I heard his incredible laugh from where I was sitting. But when I turned to look at him, Connor, Mitch, and Dylan were right behind him with luggage's in their hands.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked excitedly, trying to get up from the couch, but failing because of my stomach.

Connor instantly rushed over, "Easy there baby mamma." He said with a laugh. Jack came over and sat down next to me, holding my hand with Dylan in his arms.

The other two boys came over as well, hugging me.
"Happy anniversary!" Jack said with a chuckle and tears instantly formed in my eyes.

"Why's she crying?" Mitch freaked out and Dylan stared panicking.

I laughed and slapped them, "It's the pregnancy hormones okay!" I said, wiping the tears and looking at the three idiots in front of me, "Well, basically the whole summer. We're going to train with Jack here for offseason. We want to be with you when you have the baby, and we want to hang out with the kids more."Connor said.

I gasped and looked over at Jack, "You're literally the best, I can't!" I said giving him a short kiss since we had people in front of us.

Without anytime to waste, we all just sat there for hours, talking about what we've missed recently, and playing with the boys.

That was everything I needed right there in my life (plus my dad and brothers of course), and my beautiful baby daughter that would be born in 3 weeks.

Riley Harper Hughes, 7 lbs 6 oz

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