Chapter 15 - wait 'til later

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My eyes opened and I groaned at the sudden light hurting my eyes. My head was pounding with pain as I sat up a little bit more in the bed. I looked at my nightstand and noticed that there were 2 pills and a bottle of water waiting for me, so I gladly took them and tried to stand up. Key word: tried.

I wobbled a little bit at first but then finally found my balance and groaned once again. I put on a pair of loose, comfy shorts, and Jacks sweatshirt that was oversized. I put the hood up, hoping that it would cover some light to help my headache, and made my way downstairs. I had a text on my phone from Auston saying he had to go home for a family emergency and I wished him well hoping everything was okay.

The house was quiet and I didn't see anyone, but I heard faint music playing outside so I assumed it was the boys.

I opened the door outside to see my dad grilling and talking to Spencer, Connor, Mitch, Dylan and my brother, Alex. Then, on the couches was Will, Alex, Quinn, Jack, Josh, and my brother John. Lastly, on the beach chairs were my baby brother, Max, Victoria, Cole, and Trevor. It was winter, and way too cold to be in the pool, so everyone had hoodies on and cuddled up with blankets.

I decided to make my way over to the beach chairs first since they were the closest and put on Victoria's sunglasses.

"Hey grumpy." Trevor said with a smile, "Look who finally decided to wake up for once." He laughed and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Aveey!" Max cheered and jumped on my back, basically forcing me to give him a piggy back ride. I laughed at him, "Morning buddy."

"I hope you don't mind that me and Alex stayed over." Cole said, "I know we only really met you at the hockey party a while back."

I smiled at him, "Dont worry. I only knew these idiots for a day before I became friends with them. If anything I can probably trust you more than them." I said and he laughed, so I headed over by the grill with Max on my back.

"Morning pumpkin." My dad said with his award winning smile. "Morning guys." I said to all of the boys.

"Morning champ. How are you feeling." Connor asked, messing up Max's hair in the process.
"I feel great." I said sarcastically, putting Max down while making everyone laugh.

Connor started playing with Max as Dylan threw his arm around my shoulder, "So what are we doing today bestie?" Mitch then put his arm around my shoulder in the other side of me, "Yeah, what are we doing today bestie?"

I laughed at their stupidity, "I don't know about you guys but I'm going to eat lunch out here with you guys, and then go inside because it's way too cold for me." I said and they laughed at me this time.

"Sounds like a plan." Mitch said with a laugh, but someone called my name. I looked over to see Jack with a goofy grin on his face, opening his arms to me.

I gladly headed over to him and greatfully cuddled up into his arms. His cologne smelled amazing as usual and it made me want to die in his arms. I slightly pulled my head away from the hug just to see his face and he was already looking down at me, "Wow, you look beautiful even when you're hungover, It's amazing" he said, making my cheeks slightly pink.

In that moment I wanted to say I love you so bad, but I don't know if what he was saying to me last night was just him saying that because I was drunk.
"You're the best." I said with a slight smile, kissing his cheek.

He looked at me and pouted, "Really? My own girlfriend can't even kiss me on the lips anymore." I laughed at him, "Maybe later." I said in a teasing manner. I walked over and sat in his spot that he was sitting in on the couch and he stood there with a gasp at what I said.

Only you; Jack HughesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin