Ch. 28 - The Attack

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The arrow bomb exploded blowing up the house blowing James and I back. I was flying one minute and felt the impact of my shoulder crunch into the ground.

I tumbled hitting everyone of my bones on the ground till I laid on my stomach. I laid on the grass feeling as if my whole body was broken.

I groaned pushing up with my arms with this loud faded ringing in my ears. Still alive. Body's still intact. I think.

I looked at my surroundings smoke filled up everywhere. I looked back at the black and white house that used to be Logan's old home.

But it wasn't there anymore. Standing in the place of the house was pure fire burning it all down.

"No." I whispered.

Everything that he had left to remember his family was destroyed.

Logan. Where was Logan? Did he know about the attack? Was he already fighting? All I knew was that I had to find him.

Feeling a sudden rush of energy I managed to stand up on my feet. The smoke was still spreading like wildfire. I began to cough as I began to run towards the commotion.

Probably not the best idea to run into the shouts and smoke but I had to make sure Logan was okay. I waved my hand in front of me to at least get glimpses of the direction I was heading in.

I saw a tree and made my way towards it. My hand touched the tree but instead made contact with something that burned my hand.

I hissed pulling my hand and saw a silver knife sticking out of the trunk. I heard a growl and saw a wolf with red eyes charge in my direction.

I closed my eyes. 'Rae!'


'Rae! Wake up!' I shouted at her.

No response.

My memory came back that Logan had inject me wolfsbane to keep Rae at bay for a while. Darn you Logan.

I couldn't take him down in my human form, maybe in my wolf form. I closed my eyes concentrating on my wolf but my body didn't change.

I probably couldn't shift because my own inner wolf wasn't present. Realizing that I was on my own, I looked to the only weapon around me.

As the wolf got closer I gripped the knifes handle pulling it out of the trunk. Looks like I was gonna go down either way, might as well go down trying.

Something surged inside of me as my arm suddenly chucked the knife perfectly and right into the center of the wolfs head.

He whimpered and fell to the ground dead. I looked in shock at my hand that threw the knife.

This wasn't me.

'It was me.' Rae spoke groggily in my head.

I gasped. 'Your awake?'

'Wolfsbane hurts like hell. I can't shift but I can sure as hell keep you alive.' She growled.

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