Ch. 36 - Luna

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It was still dark outside but I could see a small part of the sun rising.

I stuffed some of the extra clothes that Iris had given me into my bag, I didn't bother packing any food because it looked like we were closer to Dark Eclipse's land than I thought.

As I sat tying my shoes I was contemplating my decision to leave to Dark Eclipse's pack.

Rae expressed pretty harshly that she believed what I was doing was suicidal going back to my abusive former mate.

I countered with her that Henley's pack was doing something suicidal and that Logan wouldn't hurt me, at least not as much as them.

Or he could, I mean he's done it before, okay I need to get him out of my mind.

The important thing was that I was turning myself in to protect my friends, I couldn't hide anymore, it was killing everyone around me.

I needed to embrace who I was, the princess of an abusive king and mated to the Blood Alpha.


I threw my black cloak on placing my hoodie over my head to cover my face, saddling my bag over my shoulder but underneath my cloak,

I stepped out of my tent. The bonfire in the middle was no longer burning, the noises were filled with crickets and small snoring.

I began to tip toe across the ground until I reached Iris's tent which was next to Henley's. I giggled that Henley probably wanted her tent nearby his to make sure she was okay.

I had written Iris a note explaining all that's happened since the day I left the kingdom. I wrote how deeply sorry I was for getting her disowned, and now leaving her again but that this was for the best.

I had debated whether leaving the note outside her tent but it was a little windy so the note could've gotten swept away. Plus if I left it in her tent she wouldn't even hear me, she's a heavy sleeper.

I opened the curtain to her tent and stuck half my body in as I placed her note on her bag but something was off. I couldn't hear her snoring and her snores were loud.

I crept up to her sleeping pack, pulled back the covers and gasped.

She wasn't there. I looked around her tent but nothing seemed to be missing, this was strange. Maybe she was in Henley's tent.

I walked to Henley's tent and softly opened the curtain and his tent was empty. The swords that laid next to his sleeping bag were gone which meant... oh no.

I raced out of his tent when I bumped into someone. I ran into one of the women pack members.

"I am so sorry miss Rose." She apologized.

"No worries. Um, have you by chance seen Iris, or Alpha Henley?" I asked nervously.

My stomach was flipping upside down.

What if they had left? Took all the fighters to go attack Dark Eclipse, left without telling me.

"Alpha Henley and Iris and the warriors all left." She smiled.

I stuttered. "Th-they left...?"

She nodded. "To go attack Dark Eclipse."

I immediately dropped bag and began running. I ran into the direction of the Dark Forest as fast as I could.

This was not happening. This could not be happening.

They said that we would discuss it in the morning but that was all a trick. I quickened the pace of my legs following their scent, it was a little fresh but starting to fade.

The Daughter of the Alpha KingHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin