Ch. 46 - Ceremony pt. 1

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"Roselyn you look perfect." Harper complimented as she touched up my curled blonde hair.

I smiled in response looking in the mirror. Tonight was the night that Logan was properly introducing me to his pack as their Luna.

Even though everyone knew that I was the Luna, it was customary that packs have ceremony's for introducing the new leaders of the pack.

The ceremony wasn't just to introduce the leaders to the pack, other packs would hear the news of it. Meaning that the world would now know the once vicious blood alpha has a mate.

"I'm so nervous." I said taking a deep breath.

Harper patted my shoulder. "You'll be great. Very simple, alpha gives a speech, you walk up, say something small. Then we celebrate all night."

Suddenly, the door to my bed room burst open then my bathroom door. Harper and I turned to see Iris groggily walking in, in sweatpants and yawning.

Did she just wake up? It was 2 in the after noon.

"Hey." Iris mumbled.

Harper and I looked at each other before letting out a laugh.

"Did you just wake up?"

Iris let out another yawn. "Yep." She lifted herself onto the counter, "I'm still so tired."

"Rise and shine. We have to get you ready for the ceremony." Harper said.

Iris groaned. "That's tonight? Ugh I'm going back to bed."

"Nope. I'll go get you a coffee and your dress." Harper ordered leaving the bathroom, "And please take a shower."

Iris gave her a captain salute leaning against the mirror as Harper left excited.

The whole pack was very excited for tonight. Things were going pretty okay for now.

Iris let out yet another yawn and stretched her arms out. When she brought her arms down, the collar of her shirt fell a little and I saw it.

I gasped standing up. "Your marked!"

"What? No!" Iris jumped immediately adjusting her shirt.

My jaw dropped. "Iris I just saw your mark. You and James! You guys are together!"

She brought her palm to her face making an ugh sound.

I jumped in joy. I was so happy that my best friend finally accepted her mate. She deserved it. She deserved the best.

"We aren't together." Iris said scratching her neck.

I stopped my jumping. "Wait, but you guys, he marked you. So that means—"

She shook her head. "Just because he marked me doesn't mean we aren't together. It was a one time thing. That's it."

Now I was confused.

"What do you mean one time thing?"

"Well...we kinda... had sex." She admitted not meeting my eyes.

"Oh..." I didn't know what to say, I wanted to congratulate her but something told me that she regretted it.

Not regretted it but didn't really realize it? I'm not sure.

All of a sudden, Iris started crying. I've never seen her cry before. She was always so tough and never showed emotions.

I sat back down in my chair as she cried harder into her arms.

"Iris? What's wrong?" I asked.

She sniffled and I handed her a tissue box as she cried more.

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