Author's Note

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Author's Note


"The bravest sight in the world is to see a great man struggling against adversity."

- Seneca

* * *

Although I alone was responsible for writing this story, I would like to thank everyone for their input with the characters and/or storyline. Either by commenting on the chapters or sending me a private message, you all helped to make the story as it is today. 

So, thank you for that.

Again, as with Gladiator of Rome, I have based the story around a few historically accurate details although there were a lot fewer in this book than the prequel.

For example, Gaius Aurelius was the name of a true member of the Roman Senate although I doubt he was a Commander of the Roman Legions, as well as existing almost three centuries before this story is set.

Also, Domitian Vespasian was the next Emperor in line after Titus, his brother, was taken fatally ill (Pompeia was a character I created for the story. She did not exist).

In a cruel twist, Domitian's rule rivalled that of his fictional sister, Pompeia, in that he showed the signs of being drunk with power. Preferring to be addressed as 'dominus et deus' ('master and god'), Domitian was soon seen as a tyrant of Rome with numerous 'treason trials'.

In a move to increase his power, Domitian proclaimed himself 'perpetual censor' in AD 85 which granted him near unlimited power over the Senate but no one was safe from his tyranny with over a dozen Senates falling victim to his rule as well as family members.

In AD 96 a plot was hatched to rid Rome of Domitian which, apparently, included his own wife. Stephanus, an ex-slave, was recruited for the assassination along with an accomplice. Though it involved a violent hand-to-hand struggle in which Stephanus lost his own life, the emperor was killed.

Domitian was denied a state funeral, and his name was obliterated from all public buildings.


Many have asked what happened to Frieda, Diomed, Leonidas and Cato. Whilst it was touched upon in Chapter 45, I shall elaborate.

Frieda and Diomed have travelled to Britannia to track down Frieda's lost sister. At this time Cnaeus Julius Agricola, Governor of Britannia, was successfully campaigning against the Picts and advancing towards, what is today, Northern Scotland.

Taking in Frieda's temperament to Romans I should imagine that she and Diomed aided the revolt against Roman occupation in Britannia. Whether they made an impact would never be known as Agricola was recalled back to Rome in 85AD and died in 93AD.

I would like to think that Frieda found her sister but that too, is down to speculation.

Leonidas and Cato travel the empire battling Domitian's rule and helping to free those who cannot free themselves.

 Knowing nothing other than 'blood and metal' the duo spends their hard-earnt freedom aiding others and defeating Romans wherever possible.

Thank you for your support in this story and I am eternally grateful for you taking the time to read their stories.

All my love,



The following sequel in the trilogy has been posted.

1. Gladiator of Rome

2. Guardians of Rome

3. Descendants of Rome.

Please find below a list of songs I listened to whilst writing this story. Enjoy.

Ed Sheeran – Thinking Out Loud

Kellie Pickler – Closer to Nowhere

Pharrell Williams – Happy

Nickelback – Edge of a Revolution

Jason Mraz – 93 Million Miles

Lorde – Royals

Brave – Sara Bareilles

Bastille – Pompeii

Meatloaf – Dead Ringer for Love

Queen – Bohemian Rhapsody

Daughtry – Undefeated, Wild Heart.

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