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"Don't send me no angel (...)

'Cause I need a man with a black heart of gold (...)

'Cause I need a man who's got blood on his hands

And the truth on his face."

Dorothy, Dark Nights

At 10:30 on Thursday the 18th of May, as soon as the cardinal and his attendant stepped into the hotel's hall, a man in a white suit and improbable Panama hat stood from one of the couches and waved at them.

Scanning the handsome young man, Sakuya hesitated. The Oracle had always been a man of discretion, very careful at hiding his real appearance, to the point the priest had been led to believe him middle-aged. However, determined not to show any sign of weakness that could put him at a disadvantage, the cardinal pulled on a charming smile and approached with confident steps.

When the white-suit stretched out his right hand to greet him, Sakuya took his chance to bend in and study his face. The hat was hiding his hair, but his funny, round glasses weren't enough to conceal his pitch-black, almond-shaped eyes. His child-like skin didn't show any traces of tension while his pink lips curved in an enchanting beam, giving a touch of humanity to his androgynous features. All he lacked in virility, he made up for with his mysterious, exotic charm.

Sakuya tightened his hold on the man's hand, trying to sense his energy. Reassuring warmth enveloped him. The most distinguishing trait of the Oracle was his power to induce an immediate relaxation, capable of stirring the desire to follow him to the end of the world. Sakuya looked away before their eyes could meet again. While their hands were connected, he couldn't afford to look at that darkness directly. He would be swayed in. His gaze moved to the side, following a waitress.

As if reading the priest's mind, Sybil Vain withdrew his hand and sat back on the couch. While Sakuya lifted his hand to catch the waitress's attention, Marcus walked past him, lightly patting his back before he settled down beside the Oracle. Disrupted by the miraculous touch of his assistant, Vain's energy dissipated completely and Sakuya snapped out of it, finally taking place in front of the man.

"Sybil, it's a pleasure seeing you—will you forgive me for my ungracious behavior? I didn't expect you to be unmasked and you look younger than I thought you would," he said in all honesty.

"I'm flattered and the pleasure is mine, Father. You can think of my pretty face as a sign of my good faith in concluding this deal," he smooth-talked as he crossed his legs, his shoulders and face completely relaxed. "I see you've brought one more guest," he pointed out, glancing at Marcus with the shade of a smile on his lips.

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