3. Cabin misery

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''Hi, I'm Kit.'' I reached out to Juice.

His mouth quirked into a smile when shaking my hand. ''Juice. Welcome, Kit.'' He dropped his gaze to the piece of paper in his other hand. ''Last name?''

''Actually... it is Katinka... McCullough.'' I gave him an equally bright smile.

''Here you are.'' He grinned triumphantly when he found my name. ''Cabin nine, straight through the woods, at the end of the campground, not far from the lake,'' he said brightly. ''Look out for the number nine in front of the porch, can't miss it.''

''Thanks.'' It sounded as if I had quite a walk ahead of me. I looked aside. Bree stood jaw dropping next to me, her eyes wide open as if she was a deer in front of headlights.

''This is Bree, my friend. She's probably also in cabin nine?''

I winked at her, but she did not move a muscle.

''Beatrice Jensen.'' I kicked her ankle and finally she woke up from her catatonic state.

''We've met before,'' she chirpily said. Her cheeks flamed up when he looked at her doubtfully. ''Last year.''

''Bree,'' he said with a plastic smile.

I saw instantly he was lying, he absolutely did not have a clue who she was.

''Cabin seven, that is just on your right, over there.'' He pointed to a cabin a few yards ahead.

Shit. ''We're not together?'' I aligned with Bree and frowned. ''We've mentioned on the form that we wanted to be together.''

Bree nodded, still impressed seeing her big idol so up close. She wouldn't make an argument, scared as she was that he was going to dislike her.

''I am not responsible for the allocation.'' He looked past me to the girl behind me who was feet hopping, eagerly to be next.

''Who is responsible?'' I folded my arms, no intention at all to back down.

He sighed wearily. ''Nance!'' He yelled to the side. ''Trouble!''

The fact that he called us trouble pushed him over the edge of being the most irritating jerk I'd ever met. Bree threw me a warning and I smothered the vicious words brewing inside of me.

''Hi guys!'' Nance was too happy, her smile was too big and her teeth were too white. She would make a perfect couple together with Juice. Maybe they actually did. ''What's up?''

Juice stepped aside and nodded to the next in line to come forward, no longer paying attention to us trouble.

''We want to be allocated to the same cabin.'' I grabbed Bree's arm and pulled her forward, pinned her at the spot with my eyes.

After giving both our names it took Nance a while to go through our details. All this time Bree was glancing at Juice, her cheeks red as cherries, her breath shallow and fast. All the trouble we had, did not yet landed in her brain.

''Okay, this is the deal. Bree is fifteen, making her a junior, you're sixteen, turning seventeen when staying here, so you're a senior. That is why you have separate cabins.'' Nance gave us a long flat look.

''Can you allocate me to the junior cabin then?'' The thought of being surrounded by juniors made the knot in my stomach grow bigger, but at least we would be together.

''No, sorry.'' Her smile grew grotesque. ''I can't.'' She straightened her back, she wasn't sorry at all. ''Allocation to age is one of our core believes.''

I raised my eyebrow and probably shouldn't have done that, because immediately she began chanting the camp ground principles monotonously.

''Kids have to be surrounded by similar minds. A comfortable environment stimulates creativity—''

I raised a hand to stop her before she was going to rattle the whole damn textbook. ''Even if I promise to tell them fairy-tale bedtime stories?'' I tried. ''No sex, no violence, just sweet gnomes and elves.'' I said innocently.

''Sorry.'' She raised a corner of her mouth, made a spin on her heels and took off.

''Great start,'' I mumbled to Bree.

''Yeah, he is indeed great.''

*Do you recognize that overwhelming feeling of total shut down when you see someone that is so hot, beautiful and absolutely breath taking? I had my shares, I can tell you. I love that feeling. I hope one day, that they can put that feeling in a jar and sell it... wait, that is a great YA fantasy story!*

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