31. Catching up

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"She's back," I heard Cleo whispering from the far-right side of the room. It was too dark to see her face.

Anita turned on a flash light and dimmed it with her hand. "Kit?"

I just stood there at the end of my bed, trying to change my clothes for my night shirt as fast as I could. When the light reached me, I pulled the shirt down to cover my naked breasts.

Just in time.

"Hi," I said, making eye contact with her and fake a smile.

"We were so worried." Anita swinged her legs out of bed.

"I'm fine."

Cloe jumped out of bed to join. "Who was it?" she demanded me to tell.

"Somebody," I responded and hurried to the bathroom, trying to escape the nightly interrogation.

I could hear both following me by the sound of the creaking wooden floor getting louder. Someone two beds away turned sides and angry mumbled a few words that we made too much noise.

Cloe folded her arms under her large breasts. "We need to know more," she said way too loud.

Anita gave me an apologetic smile. "We had to cover for you when Juice came in asking why your bed was empty," she whispered and exchanged eyes with Cloe. "We told him you were at the toilets because of the diarrhea."

I froze. "He was here?" Then I shook my head in disbelief. 'And you said that? Did he believe it?'

"I farted when pulling your sheets back, making up that I coupe not stand the smell want longer," Cloe said.

"I tightened my grip on the tooth brush. 'Jesus."

Cloe straightened her back, lifting her nose up. "What else coupe we do? The douche had the nerves to come into our cabin." She paused a moment. '"Looking for you."

"We just had a few seconds to come up with something," Anita apoligized. "It was the first thing that came to my mind."

"It is fine, gosh, thanks, guys." I quickly said feeling sorry for things I'd caused.

"So, the next time you decide to take a hike, you'd better warn us upfront, so we at least come up with a better story than the one we gave him tonight," Cloe said. Her eyebrow rose a little, her chocolate brown eyes pouring into mine.

"We need to know, Kit," Anita repeated on a much softer tone. "We can totally cover for you, but we do need to know." She sounded like my mum.

I took a deep sigh. "I am so sorry," I said, shaking my head. "I didn't mean to put you guys in any trouble."

"We were able to get rid of him, but... " Cleo grounded her teeth. "Do you know how embarrassing it was to actually flirt with him so I could motion him out of the cabin, onto the porch?" Cloe was way too angry to let me get away with a simple sorry.

"You had to do that?" I scrunched up my nose.

"She did," Anita proclaimed with something of total adoration.

"He was so lucky you know," Cloe said with a dark leathered voice.


She came a bit closer. "Yeah." A nod with her head to the right. "You know what I would have done if he'd tried to kiss me?" she said frowning.

"No." In a reflex I stepped back and loosened my deathly grip on the tooth brush.

"I would have launched us of the porch and tackled him to the ground," Cleo said with a deathly serious. "I would have grinded his perfectly, chiselled nose in the gravel of the walking path until that smirk on his face was gone forever. That is what I would have done."

I dare you {YA romance}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang