30. Time to say goodbye

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We arrived at the road to the campground way to quick. As a true gentleman, Bones got out of the car and opened my door, offering me a hand to help me to get out of the car. When he leaned forward and his cheek almost touched mine, a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips.

"Thanks." I started walking past the wooden sign. The forest was black and it took me a few seconds to have my eyes adjusted to the darkness. 

Bones took a run and appeared next to me.  "Wait," he said and grabbed my arm. "Let me walk you back to the cabin."

It was too dark to see any expression on his face, but I was sure I could hear some laughter in his voice. "Are you nuts? What if they catch you?"

There it was, the moment of silent. "I'll be fine, it is just a short walk..."

It wasn't and he knew it. "It is definitely not." My voice made a strange lift at the end of the sentence.

"What is you cabin number?"

I sighed. "Bones, seriously, I will be..."



He laughed. "That is the cabin at the end of the premise, near the lake."

"I wouldn't want for you to get in trouble. I'll just...' Bones grabbed my hand and started walking to the entrance of the campground. "If you don't shut up, we'll definitely be noticed."

I clenched my jaws and continued walking next to him in silence. My hand in his felt so good, I wish he would never let go of it. It wasn't as exciting as the dare, but there was certain tension in the air that made my heart bounce like crazy. It was too soon that we made it to the cabin.

"Cabin number nine," Bones said with a smile. "I sure have some good memories to that one."

"I am sure you do." I didn't mean it to sound that harsh but it just did and I felt him freeze next to me.

"Not that kind of memories, hodgepodge."


The silence and awkward energy between us was back as an instant and to give myself somehting to do, I wiped some leafs aside with my shoe, holding my breath for a moment, as it was making way to much sound. 

"Well, good night then," I said and making my way to the porch.

Bones grabbed my arm. "Wait."

I turned towards him and raised an eyebrow.

"I need you to give me your phone number." He lifted the corner of his mouth. "For the dare."

I laughed. "Right." I took his phone and tapped my number. Hiding a smile I gave it back to him, my cheeks turnd hot when his eyes locked into mine.

"I really had a good time,'" he whispered, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me closer. He gave me a half-smirk. 

My heart made skittered widely.

"Me too," I said, my voice a little croaky. I wondered if he could hear my heart racing. "Bones..." I breathed and lowered my gaze to his pefectly formed lips.

"Yes?" he said in just as hushed voice.

My pulse was roaring in my ears. The tension was almost unbearable. 

He sighed, leaning his forehead against mine. "We'd better not, but damn..."

I was so confused. What did he mean with that? Damn, I want to kiss you, or damn, I don't want to kiss you, or maybe, damn, you smell bad? I wanted to walk away, but my body longed so much for a kiss that it did not move at all. It would be my first and although I had said all these years that I would not just kiss a guy that I'd just met, that he had to be special and that I'd to get him to know me first, all those thoughts just disappeared as if they had never excisted.

A flash light broke the tension between us. When I realized who that was, I pushed my hands against his chest en pushed him away towards the lake. 

"You have to go, before they'll notice you."

He squeezed my hand in response and said: "Sleep well, hodgepodge."

I told him the same and as fast as I could I went insight, just before th person holding the flashlight would reach the cabin. My heart went all weird, my breath was short and fast as if I just had run a marathon.

Leaning with my back against the door, I played back the last minutes in my head. I knew for sure that if he would have kissed me, I would have kissed him back, but I now know for sure that he was never going to kiss me, as this night gave him plenty of opportunities and he did not use one of them.

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