8. What a knight

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That night I could not sleep. The image of Julie's brother, the way he smiled at me, stared at me, I couldn't get it his hazelnut eyes out of my head. It was so weird, I'd never fallen that instantly for a guy, but the way he'd moved, spoken and looked at me... I'd never been looked at that before. It was sending electricity through me to places that had never been touched before, at least by nobody else but me. Suddenly the room was too hot. I jumped out of bed.

My roommates were sleeping, snoring or mumbling in their sleep while I slipped out of the cabin. I needed some fresh air. The screen door creaked open, making way too much noise. I stopped and held my breath. When I was certain nobody had been awakened, I got out on the porch.

The night breeze had a serious bite to it. I chilled. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. I looked up, arms folded firmly before my chest. The view of the night sky like black velvet gazing through the pine needles was pretty astounding. I stared at the twinkling, tiny spots shining like X-mas lights. There were so many out here.

All of the sudden loneliness fell over me, wished I'd was at home in my own room. I swallowed the bile that rose in the back of my throat and whipped a tear from the corner of my eye. Please, not on the first night.

Flashes of a white light shined into my face and in a reflex, I raised my arm before my eyes.

''Can't sleep?''

Slowly I lowered my arm, making sure the tears were not to be seen anymore. It was Juice.

'What are you doing here?' I asked a little sheepishly

''I'm doing my last round.'' He shot me a smile. ''You're knight and armour,'' waiving his flashlight up and down.

I lifted my nightdress slightly and made a bow.

''Are you planning to go skinny dipping?'' His smile was cruel.

''I needed some fresh air.'' I shrugged playfully.

''Naughty dreams?'' He lifted an eyebrow and laughed, a little, smirking

The scorn in his voice irritated me. He should be doing this kind of flirting with Bree, not with me. Looking at the grin on his face I realized that he probably flirted with any girl here and I wondered if I had to inform my best friend that her Prince Charming was oh so charming to everybody, including me.

"Goodnight, Juice," I muttered, nodding with my head to the next cabin a few yards away.

His face fell a little but he gave me an understanding wink. ''Goodnight... you.''

When he was out of sight, I shook my head. He had forgotten my name. Loser!

''What a jerk,'' I mumbled, hoping deeply he would run into a thick tree or two.

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