Chapter 4

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. i felt rested but i stiff as i sat up at the edge of the couch. I sauntered into the kitchen to grab a granola bar and make some coffee. I sent a text to Christian to let him know that i loved him and headed out to Grey Enterprises to make my first appearance as Christian's. Even though i was suppose to be in charge i felt nervous as hell. What would Christian's employees think of me? Would they be inviting or would they be resistive? Taylor drove me down to Grey Enterprises. Ros and I had already called ahead, so they knew i was coming. I decided that i would start in the accounting department in the morning then i would spend my afternoon in marketing. Going through each department and learning the ropes would take a good week. I even made time to see the fileroom. Every department is important when running a corporation after all. As soon as the elevator opened i saw a man across the room look up from where he was and walk over to me.

"Ana! My name is Gerald. I am the manager of the accounting department at Grey enterprises" The man said extending his hand

"Hi Gerald, i'm Ana. Christian Grey's wife. I will be stepping in for him while he is temporarily recovering from illness. I just wanted you to give me an overview of what your department does" I said with a formal tone.

"I feel a bit unprepared, Mrs. Grey, i didn't know that you were coming today" Gerald answered avoiding eye contact.

"Why i sent out emails with a time and date and what i was expecting. I was told that you received it" I said confused.

"Where would you like to start?" Gerald asked with his hands out.

"Why don't you take me through a day in the accounting department. Just so that i have a rough idea what i'm dealing with'" I said.

"Ok" He answered with a snarky undertone.

Gerald guided me to his office. Showing me some of the software that was used to keep track of revenues and expenses. I had a little understanding for how accounting worked. I took a class in accounting in my undergrad studies. I thought that Gerald's reaction to my presence very troubling. There should be no issues showing your boss what was going on in the office unless there was something to hide. I like to think that the people that Christian employs are trustworthy so i stayed silent while he showed me around. I found Gerald's explanations very simple. I wanted to make sure that i was making the best use of my time in the company. I needed Gerald to give me more details. I didn't like the fact that he was also being very condescending in his tone.

"Gerald, i hate to interrupt you but you seem to be very vague in your explanations. Can you give me more details on the expenses on page 6" I said staring intently at the computer.

"Oh!" Gerald said sounding very surprised "Which part?"

"You know what i changed my mind. Can i get you to print this off for me?" I asked

"Why, Mrs. Grey?" He said with reluctance "Christian never asks for this information. To save paper i can send it to you through email is that ok?"

"Can you print it off for me right now. I'm sure that Christian will not mind" I said with a sick sweetness in my voice.

"as you wish" He said grabbing the mouse and clicking the X in the corner of the screen.

"Why did you do that?" I asked angrily.

"I have a better version that includes all the miscellaneous expenses in more detail" He said moving the cursor to another folder

"Ok. I would like both then, so that i can compare" I said sitting back in the sliding office chair.

"OK" He said clicking print.

I was hoping that the printer was in another room so that i could look through his computer but he grabbed the 20 sheets off the printer and handed them to me.

"Is there anything else that you need" He asked.

"I think that i have wasted enough of your time for one day" I said trying to be civil.

"Come back anytime Ana, sorry that i didn't receive your email" Gerald said as i walked to the elevator "I'd be happy to give you more details with more notice"

I looked back to see Gerald go back into his office with another employee. As soon as he had his back turned to me i turned the corner and made my way down the hall. Part of me was not sure if this was going to work but i had to try. Gerald was really rubbing me the wrong way and my intuition is usually right. I turned into the bathroom, then pulled out my cell phone from my purse. I needed to call the only other person that had all the answers, Ros.

"Ros, it's me Ana" I said as soon as she picked up the phone.

"How's your visit to the accounting side of things?" She asked "Have you met with Gerald?"

"I have" I hesitated "What do you think of Gerald?"

"To be honest with you i usually manage things from a higher level and i don't know Gerald that well" Ros answered "Why what's wrong?"

"He was acting very strange towards me, is all" I said trying not to alert Ros "Is there any way that i can get some more information from HR on him?"

"Ana, your pretty much the CEO, you can do whatever you want right now" Ros laughed.

"Ok, can you contact HR and get his employment records for me" I said "Sure, i'll have it for you tomorrow morning"

"Thank you so much" I said to Ros.

I heard a few employees laughing and talking just outside the washroom. I quickly sneaked into a bathroom stall. I waited till the two employees finished. I casually walked out of one of the stalls, as they were both washing their hands and freshening up their make up.

"Hey!" i said washing my hands in the sink.

"Are you new?" Asked the tall blonde

"Yes, just started yesterday" I lied.

"How do you like it?" Asked the short, pudgy brunette.

"It's ok, i haven't been here long enough to judge i think" I answered puling out some make up

"It can get a bit political, if i have any advice for you just come in and do your job then go home. Don't get caught up in the drama" The blonde girl said looking up from the mirror.

"What do you mean?" I asked with deep curiosity "Is it about that Gerald guy"

"Gerald is stupid and lazy. He acts like he's had a head injury" The fat brunette pipped in "He forgets stuff and generally doesn't know what's going on most of the time. I have no idea why he's even here. The office certainly could run with out him"

"Gina is running this place, not Gerald. He just get's paid the big bucks. If you want to know anything. I would talk to Gina" The blonde said to me before putting her eyeliner away and walking out.

"Thanks guys" I said walking out of the bathroom, caerful to make sure that Gerald wasn't around the corner. I made my way to the elevator. I looked towards Gerald's office for a split second, he was still talking to the same employee. I got on the elevator then left the building. I knew that i had to investigate first before i told Christian. Christian must have hired him for a reason.

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