Chapter 7

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I had to know more about the people that Christian had hired to run his company. With Christian still in recovery mode I decided to confide in Ros. I didn't want to give everything away but if anyone knew anything I knew it was her.

"Ros," I started "I have some weird questions to ask you"

"Whatever you need help with Ana i'm here." She answered

"Is there a way that I could get background files on employees?" I asked

There was a slight hesitation on the phone. I could tell that she was giving great thought to how she was going to word her response. "What kind of background info, Ana?" Ros asked

"when they started, background education, previous employment and any encounters with HR?" I stated in one strong breath

"That's pretty standard information, All you need to do is go down to human resources. You are the acting CEO of the company. There isn't a lot that is out of your reach." Ros replied.

I may be acting CEO but I knew that no one would take kindly to someone poking around the office in search of personal information on other employees. I couldn't risk my suspicions getting around the company. Everything needed to stay quiet until I had concrete evidence that there was something happening. If I was just paranoid I would be happy to drop it and move on but If my intuition was correct something was going on behind the scenes and my visits were anything but welcome.

Ros was more than hospitable and kind to all my requests. She was busy enough that she barely questioned my motives.

Gerald was the one I decided to start with first. I wanted to know more about his employment at the hotel. He was there for only 6 months. His pay was great with benefits but he left before he had a chance to get a feel for the job. That was no easy job to get either especially in this struggling economy. I needed to contact the hotel for more information. The only issue was that I would get only generic cookie cutter information that is given to all prospective employers. I had to put my detective hat on. Christian Grey was a recognizable public figure, but despite being his wife I had managed to keep myself out of the limelight. I could poke around and ask questions to employees a without being recognized. How would I do that?

I couldn't exactly walk in to the front desk and start demanding information on Gerald. I would be quoted the confidentiality agreement and shown the door. I could do the mission impossible things and break-in to the file room to see if I could get his file but that wouldn't tell me what kind of person he was only if he was fired and if so what for. I needed to get on the inside. I worked for Seattle International Publishing I could walk in as a writer looking to do a story. Very plausible. I may not be allowed to get his personal file but I could find out everything that's written in it just by asking employees that worked closely with Gerald.

My body practically jumped out of my swiveling office chair at the stark revelation. I pulled up the phone number to the front desk. I couldn't just show up out of the blue and demand interviews with employees. I needed to clear it with management first.

"Hilton Hotels Andrea speaking." Answered the girl at the front desk.

"My name is Jill and I'm doing a story on Gerald Mckinnon I was wondering if I could come by to interview employees that worked with him." I asked

There was a long pause on the other end. "He hasn't worked here in a long time, I'm not sure what kind of information you are hoping to obtain." She answered

I could tell that she was unsure about my request. "I just want to interview a few employees that used to work with him. It's a story that showcases all his accomplishment." I explained. I hoped my explanation would be enough to get her approval.

"His accomplishment?" She asked confused "What accomplishment? He a scumbag."

"Scumbag?" I asked "Could you elaborate on that?"

"His parents bought his way through Berkley and his respect for woman is almost non-existent. I'm just surprised that anyone would want to do a story on him." She replied.

I could tell that she had strong feelings towards Gerald. "Could I interview you? I was not aware of his past. I'm not sure why SIP wants to do a story on him to be honest." I asked

"Will it take long?" She asked, clearly unsure of what she was getting into.

"It won't take long and I can come by when you are not so busy too if that helps." I offered.

"Ok! I'm off at 10 pm I can talk to you at that time, but I'm gonna warn you right now I don't have many good things to say." She warned.

"I want the good and the bad. I can't write a good story otherwise right?" I said

"Right." She agreed.

I couldn't wait.

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