Chapter 6

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Christian was successful for a reason,but in a company as large as Grey Enterprises it would be easy for him to lose sight of little incidentals. Sometimes a fresh perspective was needed. I was hoping that I would have the chance to bring that fresh perspective to Grey Enterprises. I wanted to make Christian proud, but I also wanted to keep the company running smoothly at the same time. There was a crushing pressure that I created on myself to be exceptional in my new role. Despite only being in this role for a few weeks I found the job to be stressful at the best of times. Up until this point I had no idea what Christian was dealing with on a day-to-day-basis. My perspective was changing to an overwhelming appreciation for my husband's incredible abilities and I wanted him to see that.

The drive home was always so heart breaking I wanted to bring Christian home. There was a temptation to ask the hired help to stay and have dinner with me but I knew that would be unfair. I made myself a tuna sandwich and a cup of milk for dinner with the groceries that Mrs. Jones had left in the fridge. Flopping my body on the couch for a wind down in front of Netflix. I could not escape the exhaustion that was taking over me once I had finally relaxed, I knew that if i stayed here I would fall asleep on the couch in a terribly contorted position. I changed and did my night routine, then crawled into bed. Somehow the bed still seemed so cold. Even after a few weeks ! still felt like there was an emptiness every time i went to bed. I struggled to fall asleep. I wanted the comfort of my husband beside me. It was not uncommon for me to day dream of his physical presence this evening being one of those times. I pictured a sexually charged scenario with the intention of taking care of my own sexual needs.

I laid back in the bed allowing myself to relax in the comforts of the silk sheets. I found myself in almost a dream-like state reminiscing of our sexually charged honeymoon not more than 6 months ago when we could not keep our hands off each other or our clothes on. Christian's body was like a perfectly sculpted statue. I pictured his strong hands moving rhythmically over the soft skin of my torso stopping at my average sized breasts. He pressed my nipple between his index and forefinger massaging it roughly. They were perky and hard under the command of his strong hands. I inched my finger tips toward my pleasure center slowly massaging the area of need. I felt my heart quicken as my lower half responded with much needed relief. I moaned as I painted a picture of Christian moving his hands from my nipples to my groin preparing to penetrate me. I slowly moved my fingers in a back and forth motion over my clitoris. My vagina became wet with anticipation and need. I felt alive under the ripples of pleasure that I was creating between my finger tips. I cried out in ecstasy as my body hit the peak of orgasm. The orgasm was powerful in the way it moved through me leaving me with a sense of calm. The hormones that were pumping

I felt tears rolling down my cheeks as I realized that he was not here and it was all just a dream. Our current situation flooded back into my mind. I was trying to be strong but i still needed him. I worried that our lives would be cut short if his heart gave out. How could this have been missed all his life? With the wealth that his family possessed I would have thought he would have had the best care from the very beginning. He didn't deserve this. We didn't deserve this. I went into the medicine cabinet to get a sleeping pill. I needed a full night's sleep.

Christian had a branch at Grey Enterprises that was in charge of acquiring company's and managing investments. This department to my surprise was run by a woman. With the exception of Ros, most of Christian's managers and supervisors were male. I hadn't really thought of it till now but I was excited to meet her. I wonder what made her different. I assumed that she had top notch qualification, or else Christian would not have hired her. I walked off the elevator and made by way to the office that read "Manager". She made eye contact with me as I got close to the office, I saw her shuffle some papers into a desk draw then walk out to greet me.

"You must be Mrs. Grey." She said extending her hand.

"I am! You must be Jacqueline"I responded "I don't see many woman in high profile positions at Grey Enterprises." I commented.

"It's not easy sitting at the round table with all men. I totally agree" She nodded.

"Walk me through everything. Pretend I don't know the first thing about Grey Enterprises." I said smiling trying to appear down-to-earth.

"I would be happy to" She said directing me towards her computer screen.

"What kind of background do you have?" I asked

"I have a master's in Economics from Yale," She responded proudly " I started as an investment advisor at Grey Enterprises. I worked hard for 5 years. Shortly after i applied for the job as manager of investments and got it."

"Very impressive" I replied.

"How is Mr. Grey doing? I heard that he was in the hospital?" Jacqueline asked.

"He's going to make a full recovery it will just take time" I said "I will keep everyone posted by email to make sure that nothing weird goes around the rumor mill"

"Good plan!" She agreed.

I found that out of all the managers I had met so far Jacqueline was by far my favorite. She was sweet, down-to-earth and intelligent. Up until a month ago I had no idea that there even was a department that's sole purpose was to invest in other companies, purchase new inventions and ideas as well as form partnerships with like-minded individuals. I found the inner workings of Grey Enterprises to be fascinating.

Christian had spoken very little about his business dealings with me. The topic rarely came up in conversation and I never thought to ask. I found that despite having a strong love for romantic literature I had a propensity towards business as well. Maybe when Christian recovered I could continue helping him with Grey Enterprises. I would love to be more of a partner instead of just "The Wife" of Christian Grey. I felt as though I was under immense pressure to prove my ability to run the company to Christian. "It was nothing" he had said just a persistent thought that plagued my mind.

"Let me show you the next part of the investment department as she took me down the hall for a tour of the floor. This is where the team looks for innovative inventions and ideas. There is no shortage of small time businesses or individuals that come up with some amazing ideas or inventions. Grey Enterprises looks to take those ideas or inventions and connect them so that they can be used commercially." Jacqueline explained

"Wow That is a really good idea. I didn't know we did all that. "I replied.

"It's good that you are making an effort to learn the business. I would do the same thing if I was in your situation." She empathized

"I was kind of pushed into this." I admitted

"Well I would want to know all of my husband's business dealings is all. A man with such power has the capacity to get himself in a lot of trouble especially without close supervision." She explained.

"If I didn't trust him I don't think our relationship would be as strong as it is." I replied.

"Men can very rarely be trusted." She winked

"Depends on the man I think." I stated "Because not all women can be trusted either."

"You have me there I suppose." She chuckled

Her tone was friendly but I detected a vague warning from her words. She could sense the tension as I didn't hold the same opinion and almost as though she was a perfectly groomed robot she changed the subject and her demeanour quickly followed.

With the exception of her opinions and judgements she appeared knowledgable and strict in her area of expertise. The Investment department seemed to be more organized and efficient than the other departments that I had seen. The files were in Chronological order. Jacqueline was very thorough, her explanations were detailed and easy to understand. She offered print outs of recent transactions and encouraged me to do my homework. I learned more about Grey Enterprises from spending the day with her than I had with anyone else.

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