Sorrowful Revelations

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There was fire and smoke everywhere, making it even harder to locate him. Wherever she looked or went, it looked like death-and smelt like it too. Where is he? was the only thing she could think about. She dreaded every second that went by without knowing where he is...or how he is.

The last conversation that they had, was an argument. He had started acting suspicious and sneaking off to the forest. She could not ignore this any longer so she went to see for herself what was so important that he had to keep it a secret.

Unfortunately, in doing so, she stepped into a trap and as demons-dozens of them-surrounded her, he appeared in front of her with his back towards her, standing protectively.

That is when the terrifying and fierce battle began.........but now that it was over-where was he?! Suddenly she heard someone coughing and immediately ran towards the direction of the sound. She froze. There he lay.....dying.

"No..."she whispered and rushed to his side, cradling his head in her lap. "No, no, no! This is all my fault! Don't leave me-please don't leave me! I-I should have listened to you..I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry!" she said desperately.

"Ugh...Lume?.....don't apologize's alright. In fact, I am the one who is s-sorry things are ending t-this's not your fault-just promise me that you will protect the others Lumina...please." He stammered.

"But.." she started but he cut her off, " Promise me! Please I don't have much time." Lumina took a deep breath, "I promise." "Thank you, little sister. I love you." he sighed, relieved. "I love you too Jake." Lumina said softly, as her brother took his last breath, before going still in her arms.

. . . . . . .

Smoke was making it hard to see anything but as it started to clear away, he saw them and tugged Damian's arm. "What?...Oh."

Beside a hollow oak, there was a girl with her hair thrown over her shoulders and she was clutching a still body. "Oh no....Lumina." he whispered as both of them rushed to her.

Luke covered his mouth with his hands and fell to his knees beside his sister. "Jake...." Damian knelt down beside his cousin and checked for pulse but then shook his head. "I'm sorry. He's gone."

Slowly, both siblings got up as Damian cast a spell on Jake's body, sending it to the castle. Only when their brother's body was gone, did Luke's sister hug him tightly and let the tears finally fall.

. . . . . .

Lumina tightly hugged Luke. She did not know how he and Dami were here but she did not care. All she knew was that she was glad they were here for her.

There was a hand on her shoulder and slowly Lumina pulled away from Luke to face Damian directly, "Come on....we should get back home now Lume..." he said, with sadness clearly visible in his eyes.

. . . . . .

"Wake up LUMINA!!" Lumina shot up in bed and it took her a moment to register the fact that Luke, Ashleigh, Rin and her father were around her bed. Just another nightmare.

As she took a deep breath, Ash sat down on the bed next to her and squeezed her hand reassuringly.

It had been four months since he had lost his son. He had died, protecting Lumina and took his last breath in her arms. The trauma had been more than she could bear. Ash still remembered how she had locked herself in her room for weeks, shutting everything and everyone out from her life.

When she finally let herself out, everyone was relieved, thinking that she had recovered. But that is when the nightmares started coming. Ash hated to see his daughter like this.

Rin watched Lumina with worry as she suddenly clutched their father and cried on his shoulder. As he comforted her, Ash's eyes locked with his son's and then darted to Ashleigh, who was anxiously looking at her sister.

"Brother. You should take Ashy out of here. Father and I will take care of Lume." Luke said softly. Rin looked at his brother and nodded. Then he held out his hand to Ashleigh and said, "Sweetie, come on. We should go back now. Let Lumina rest." "But Lumi..?" the girl asked. "Lume will be alright. Let's go now." Rin replied. Ashleigh seemed to hesitate but then she slowly nodded and holding his hand, left the room.

As they left, Luke sighed and sat on the other side of his twin's bed. Lumina had quiet downed a bit and was now just wiping her tears off.

"Feeling better sweetie?" asked Ash. "Yeah....thanks Dad. should probably go to sleep now. I'll be alright. Besides, Luke is here." Lumina said reassuringly, looking at Luke. Luke nodded in agreement.

She watched him take a deep breath and get up. "Well, I'm off then." He said finally but when he opened the door, Lumina suddenly said, "Dad?" "Yeah?" he asked, looking back.

Luke and Lumina shared a knowing glance and then suddenly chirped simultaneously, "Good night, sleep tight, and dream of bed bugs tonight!" Their father chuckled and shook his head, "Wow! Just. Wow.", and left.

The moment he was out of sight, Lumina slid under her sheets but her brother pulled them off. Lumina sat up and hissed, "What the hell are you doing Luke?! Let me sleep!" Luke blinked but then just shrugged and simply said, "Fine. You sleep Lume. Looks like I will just have to tell poor Damian that you cannot come to The Den.....he HAS been waiting for you ."

"Wait what?! Dami's waiting for me?! Why didn't you tell me before?!" she exclaimed, running out of her bed to their wardrobe to change her clothes. "Well you wanted to sleep, didn't you?" Luke answered with a smirk.

She turned to look at Luke with a scowl as her twin started laughing uncontrollably, making her roll her eyes.

A while later after changing into blue-red t-shirts and jeans, they were walking through the streets of Netherworld when Luke suddenly groaned and said, "Why are we walking?! It's tiring and boring! I know you said you're not going to use your true powers but what's wrong with a little teleportation?!"

Lumina shook her head, "Stupid brother, I would if I could but did you forget already? Rin blocked our magic because we wrecked his workshop. "It was just a prank!" Luke complained.

Lumina suddenly stopped and said sharply, "Luke will you just stop with all the whining and complaining?! We're already there!", as she pointed at a huge mansion's gate right in front of them.

"Oh. Well let's go inside then, shall we?" said Luke and was about to step inside the open gateway, when Lumina pulled him back. "What are you, an idiot? The door to the strongest general's party house is wide open. Do you seriously think he's that stupid that he would leave it unguarded?"

"No. He's stupid than that." Replied Luke causing both of them to burst into laughter. At that moment Damian appeared in front of them. "Hey... don't make fun of me! Being a super awesome general like me is not easy you know!" he complained.

"Oh yes, of course Damian. Eating, sleeping, annoying others and doing weird stuff is SO hard!" said Lumina teasingly. "I KNOW, right?" chuckled Luke which resulted in him rolling his eyes in good nature.

. . . . . .

"Ugh!" growled Lucifer as he threw his glass at the wall, shattering it. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. May I know why you're destroying our glassware every time you look into the mist to see the daughters of Ash Blaze?" asked Adrian in an annoyed tone.

"Because whenever I look, Lumina's always spending time with those idiots, Damian and Luke. It's not fair!" Lucifer snapped. "Patience is a virtue big brother. When we gain ultimate power we will have the girls." He convinced with a smirk.

"I have been patient Adrian! I want Lumina NOW!" Lucifer yelled. Adrian sighed and said, "Fine. Their father is throwing a party tonight and we're invited. We will get the chance then but......What about those brothers of theirs?" wondered Adrian. At that Lucifer scoffed and replied, "Don't worry about them Adrian."

Satisfied with what his brother had said, Lucifer smirked.

Pleasant Catastrophes From Life In NetherworldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora