The Plan Proceeds

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Chapter 8

As soon as she got the phone call, Ashleigh instantly teleported to her home's common room. Her siblings and cousin were already seated, so she sat down wherever she could.

While Ashleigh was having the time of her life, swimming in the sea with her cousins and brother, her phone had rung. It was Ace, and he was ordering her to come back. Groaning in annoyance, she asked her father if she could go, and after he allowed her, she....... Well she returned to Netherworld.

"Mind telling me why the hell was I told to ditch my fun, Ace?!" Ashleigh asked accusingly. "You better watch your tone young lady, or I might just have to do something about it." Ace warned. That shut her up. Looking at the others, she saw Lumina's face full of anxiety. "So little sister, together all of you were on some mission hm?" Spoke Rin, as he pointed at Damian, Luke and Lumina with a questioning look in his eyes. What?! He found out?! Well, he might get mad if I lie.

"Y-Yes Rin." She said. "Aw! I still have sibling who doesn't lie to us!" Ace said in delight but Damian interrupted him. "Sorry to ruin the moment, b now it's time for you and Rin to give us an explanation."

"You're right... Well, we're sorry for not telling this earlier, but it was for your own protection." Rin spoke with sadness. Damian squeezed Lumina's hand reassuringly as she tried to control her emotions. "What is that supposed to mean?" He asked.

"The death Lumina witnessed, was an illusion. In reality....... Jake is alive but...captive. We had to show her his death but the truth is, that the Engrandes have kept our brother prisoner, to stop him from revealing their work. The only reason we remained mum about this, was that they had threatened to kill him if we leaked any information against them." Answered Rin.

"Each and everything that was told to you all was true except for the fact that adding your blood will nullify the potion and destroy it. It will not. Actually it will trigger it. Luke and Lumina, by being in possession of your blood, they will not only gain ultimate power, but have control over each and every member of our family. That way, they will easily be able to kill Father and anyone standing in their way to achieve the throne of Netherworld. But there is a catch. Destroying the spell will also not help us in anyway." Added Ace.

"Wait... Then this means that...oh my god! That jerk was just using me! " Ashleigh cried in disbelief. Luke quickly sat beside her and hugged her tenderly. "Shh..... It's not your fault." Kuromi watched as he took a deep breath and said, "But guys.. You still have not told us what will happen if we do destroy the potion." Yeah, tell us!" Damian urged, "And if Jake is still alive, then what about Lumina's visions and that voice?"

"Those visions of Jake were actually disguises. Who she thought was him, was in fact Adrian Engrande. And the reason I'm sure of this, is that Lucifer does not trust outsiders and is too stuck up to bother disguising himself. Moreover, the voice she hears, is most probably the real Jake, warning her." replied Rin.

"And the destruction of the potion....will be the elimination of our father as it is a life linking spell. If destroyed, it will kill him for it was initially created against him. And if activated, it will control him. The team Jake worked with, included us and we knew that if we told you the truth, Lucifer would hurt all of you. Especially Lume. Because she is not only one of the twin children of the King, but also his first daughter and the First Princess. So now you know why we kept his a secret." Revealed Ace.

"So he couldn't hurt me?! Has he not hurt me enough?! His brother used my sister and played with her feelings! He himself would get me in major trouble for his own amusement! He ordered demons to alter Jake's memories! Both brothers used me, along with Luke, Damian and Ashleigh! Adrian physically hurt me this time!

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