Trouble Is Back

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Ash smirked at the sight before him. His sons were in a corner, getting their injuries treated by Zack. Rin and Gavin had gone to the library. Only Ashleigh was, somehow, standing in front of him, her clothes soaked with sweat and face displaying determination.

"Well, well, well. Someone is eager to defeat her awesome father. But you should know better, Ashleigh. Ash Blaze... is simply unbeatable." He boasted playfully but she just rolled her eyes and said, "Oh please, father. I'm winning this match." But stumbled as she positioned her sword. Seeing this, Ash felt sympathy towards his little girl-second little girl.

"Okay, tell you what. If you can make me stop this battle, you can skip training for a week."

"Huh? Are you serious?!"


"Are you serious?!"

" Yes Ashleigh. Now stop asking before I change my mind."

"Well, then in that case..."



"Oh get on with it already!"

"I got proposed."

The sword fell from her father's hand as her trainer and brothers turned to look at her in shock.

"WHAT?!?!" they all shouted in unison, making Ashleigh wince. "By whom?!" Kuromi and Luke demanded simultaneously. "A-Adrian?" she stammered. "Oh boy." Zack whispered. The others seemed to get fired up.

"Where the hell is that jerk, thinking he can marry my sister?!" exclaimed Kuromi. "Wherever he is, he's dead." Added Luke, making her helplessly look at her trainer.

Zack saw the worry and pleading in his student's eyes. God, these guys are such morons, I swear.

"Shut up, all of you!" He shouted at them, "What's so big of a deal, if he proposed to her?! It is not like she has answered him! Stop being so dramatic!"

"Thank you Zack. Now that all of you have calmed down, listen to me. I would never do anything my loved ones disapprove of as I know that all of you are just looking out for me." Ashleigh said. This made everyone smile.

"Hey guys, I'm HOME!!!!" bellowed a voice, just before the doors threw open and a young, handsome boy with strode in, a smug smile on his face. Zack and Ash shared a look and both friends just teleported out of the training room, Ash taking Ashleigh with him and leaving Kuromi and Luke behind.

Oh no. thought Kuromi as Luke hid behind him and to be the brave big brother, he mustered up a courageous face.

"W-Welcome back." He stuttered. "Welcome back? That is all I get after I return? I was gone for over a century, dude!" the boy exclaimed in anger.

"All of us missed y-you a lot!" blurted Luke timidly. "Y-Yes! It is s-so good to s-see you!" Kuromi added.

Suddenly, the boy's expression changed from fury to a sneer. "That is better. Good to see my presence still strikes fear in the hearts of you kids......wait a second! Where is Ashleigh?!" "Sh-She is with Father." Replied Luke.

"Oh, and our other rebellious girl?" he asked. Kuromi and Luke looked at each other with terror clear on their faces.

"I asked a question."

"She uh.."


"Uh umm"

"Spit it out!"

"She is not home."

Ace tilted his head slightly. "Out you say? In the middle of the freaking NIGHT?!?!" He shrieked, his voice thundering through the whole castle.

. . . . . . .

"For over five centuries, I had been monitoring the strange changes that took place between the human and demon dimensions. At first, the behaviour of both races, started shifting. That's where things get weirder.

The demons started to gain power rapidly, just as humans started disappearing without a trace. First, I ignored this but when these things began to increase at an alarming rate, I realised that there was a link." Jake revealed.

"A link?" asked Lumina, "What does that mean?" Her brother's face turned grave as he answered, "The disappearances were connected to the demons. They were feeding off of the souls of the humans who were physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually weak.

But hold on, it gets stranger. Later, even the demons who were weak, started vanishing. Turns out, I was not that strong either. The group I had formed, to help me in my operation, consisted of both demons and humans. They kept being useful until I noticed something suspicious.

"Whenever I was with some of the demons, my thoughts would get obstructed and no matter how hard I tried, I would be unable to recall any of my conversations with them." He explained.

"Oh my god." Lumina whispered, "They were clouding your mind. But, why?" "To get to you guys. They had been given orders."

"By whom?"


"Jake! By whom?!"

"The Engrandes."


"They want supreme power. All they need is one key ingredient; the blood of the twins of the King of Netherworld. You and Luke have a special bond-a powerful one-since birth. That is why it is so important. Furthermore, the brothers wish to attain your blood as it is the only thing that can stop their potion. You both must add your blood into it!

That way, it will nullify its effect and destroy it, and I can come back! That potion is meant to take life and its reversal will return one, if you visualize it, during the spell's destruction! Lumina, we can be together again! You want that do you not?!" Jake exclaimed.

Lumina just listened with astonishment and her eyes open wide open. "You want me back, right Lumi??? Right?!" he asked enthusiastically. "Y-Yeah, of course I do Jake." She replied, snapping out of her trance. No! Lumina, you must not pay heed to what he says! Warned the voice once more.

This time, Lumina got annoyed and decided to talk back. And may I know just who you might be, telling me to ignore my eldest brother? She asked. There was no response. Well?! Now you lost the ability to communicate with me?! She taunted. I....I am a well-wisher. Suddenly, came a reply but that was all. Annoyed, she returned her attention to Jake.

"Good. Well then, gather a group of people you trust, and who believe in you. Protect the lockets, little sister. The one all of us have around our neck, is our blood vile. You know that right?" Jake asked and she nodded. "Now look behind you. Do you see that carving?" he asked.

Lumina looked back, to see that on the wall behind her, there was a spade from a deck of cards, carved on it. Suddenly, she felt a strange sensation on her finger, and upon glancing at it, she saw that the ring was glowing a light green colour. In an instant, the light gathered into a single beam which touched the spade.

"Do not worry. It is a tunnel connecting this room, to my room. Stop the evil. Succeed in my mission which I hand over to you. And bring me back." He stated. "I will, Jake." Lumina reassured, and turned to leave when he spoke in a bone-chilling tone, "Whatever you do, do not let anyone older than you, know about this." Before disappearing. 

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