Chapter 2: Suspicious Behaviour

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Harry's day had been one of the most boring, each class was the same exhausting lesson. Hermione seemed pretty enthusiastic as usual and Ron dozed off at least 6 times. His mind was busy with thoughts, mostly what Draco had said that morning. Harry couldn't clear his brain of images of Dracos grey eyes, and how he seemed to see some kind of emotion behind them. He saw his smile, the rare one not many people saw. And his body...

He was doing it again, thinking way too much into what had happened. He quickly reminded himself that he was reading too far into it, they had only agreed on ending a rivalry, so why was Harry still thinking about it?
"Harry?" Hermione snapped her fingers in his face, and he came back to reality.
"What?" he asked, completely forgetting what was happening.
"You're doing it again, zoning out," Ron answered, shoving chocolates down his throat.
"What's on your mind?" Seamus questioned.
"More like who's on his mind," Dean joked, placing his quill in its inkwell.
Harry chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck, "That's ridiculous-"
"So you aren't thinking about anyone in particular?" Dean interrupted, and everyone in the common room stopped what there were doing to pay attention to Harry's reply.
He struggled for an answer, "Well..."
"You are!" Seamus exclaimed and jumped out his seat, grabbing Dean on the way.
"Who is it?" Ron said enthusiastically.
"You aren't still hung up on Cho are you?" Neville spoke up.
"Is it that 7th year Hufflepuff, " Dean considered, he turned to Seamus, "what's her name?"
"Sophie, I think," Seamus replied quickly.
"It isn't any of those!" Harry stood up agitated by everyone poking around him.
Ron finished the last of his chocolate and wiped his hands clean, "Well don't be shy, what's her name?"
His stomach churned at the word 'her', was it meant to be a girl? "... It's private."
"Oh come on Harry," Seamus begged.
They waited on their toes, but all Harry could think of saying was...
"I think I'm going to try and sleep." Harry ran upstairs to the boy's dorm room and flopped onto his small bed.
Before he knew it, he was knocked out and sent into a nightmare.

~ Next Day ~
Once again, Harry woke with a massive headache that he couldn't cure. Slowly he rolled out of his bed and grabbed his glasses. Looking around the room, a few people were still in their beds but Dean and Seamus were missing.
He opened a window to let air into the room, and took in the dewy smell grass has in the mornings.
As he made his way down to the common room, he saw the two missing boys crowding around one book, Harry just assumed it was homework and sat himself down on a sofa next to the fireplace. He could tell today was going to turn into a cold and rainy day. In desperate attempts to change his thoughts, Harry hadn't properly thought about Draco at all, but he knew when he walked into the Great Hall and saw the pale boy he was going to think about him again. Maybe he shouldn't go. He doesn't eat any of it anyway. Harry considered to himself, and then Hermione came skipping down with her usual frizzy hair tied back and her robes neatly on her shoulders.
"Hello Harry, " she said, and Dean and Seamus looked up to notice the small boy sprung out on the sofa and slammed shut the book.
"Sorry Harry, we didn't see you there," Seamus apologised and scooped up the book, "we are heading out early, want to join?"
The last thing Harry wanted was to go out anywhere, "No thanks, Seamus."
The two boys quickly left, and at the same time, a familiar redhead came almost slipping down the steps, "Morning," he said, still tying his tie.
"Harry, are you coming to breakfast?" Hermione asked.
"I don't think I will today."
"Ok mate, but if something is on your mind, tell me or Hermione," Ron mentioned as he pulled on his robes and Hermione sorted out his bed-hair.

When they left, Harry let out a huge sigh and returned to his thoughts. What were Seamus and Dean doing? He thought it was slightly odd, how they were almost covering the book as to be secretive. And when they saw him he slammed the book shut. They were being suspicious, and Harry didn't like it.

Meanwhile with Seamus and Dean...
"Are we sure about this?" Seamus asked Dean, who was crushing rose petals and sprinkling them into a cauldron.
"Do you want to find out his crush or not?" he replied, "now, what next..." he read the instructions slowly.
"We have to say a spell over it, can I do the honours?" Seamus said pulling out his wand.
"We don't want it to blow up!" Dean pushed Seamus's wand down and reached for his own.
Carefully he said the spell, and suddenly the potion twinkled with purple and pink sparks.
"It smells like... Love? If that's possible."
"Because it's a love potion," Dean poked Seamus playfully, "now tell me what our plan is."
"Late tonight we give Harry a drink with this in it, but he won't know that, and when he wakes up, we can see what girl he has a crush on."
"He won't be able to hide it from us for much longer," Dean laughed with Seamus.
They never thought they would be doing something like this, but their curiosity spiralled out of control.
They were actually going to sneak Harry James Potter a 24-Hour love potion.

Period one was potions for Harry, which he didn't mind as much, but he would have rather been in the common room alone.
As he, Hermione and Ron filtered into the class with some other students, he caught a glimpse of a flock of blonde hair. In the corner were Malfoy, Blaise and Pansy, all talking about something Harry couldn't quite make out.
"Morning class! Today we will be creating a special potion that we have discussed before," the professor started as everyone found their way to their seats. Draco and his group glared at Harry and his friends. So much for being a decent person then, Harry thought. "Today we will be making this little potion right here." the professor continued, and gestured to a cauldron currently brewing a glowing potion.
"This lesson is going to blow," Ron muttered to Harry.
"Now, head to your work stations and get brewing!" everyone rushed to their seats and flicked to the correct page in their potions books.
"Hermione, can I talk to you?" Harry asked, cautiously looking around to see if anyone was listening.
"Of course you can, what is it?"
"Well yesterday, Malfoy was being extra nice to me and was talking about how we can get over this rivalry. This morning Seamus and Dean were being suspicious and I was wondering if you had any clue on what is going on around here."
"Malfoy was being nice? Well I never," she chuckled, "and about Seamus and Dean, they are weird anyway so I wouldn't read too much into it." she patted Harry on the shoulder, and made her way over to her seat.

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