Chapter 18: Green and Red letters

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As everyone was in class, Harry and Draco walked down the corridors holding hands. They felt safe and content with everything, Harry's friends were finally getting to see him happy and Draco was getting the one thing he had dreamed about since forever.
But this was Harry and Draco's life, and it never stays happy and cheerful...
Out the corner of Harry's eye, he could have sworn he saw a small Slytherin girl, probably a 3rd year, watching as they walked down the corridor hand in hand.
Draco had noticed Harry became rather quiet, "is everything ok?"
"Yeah I just, thought I saw someone."
"Harry everyone's in class, you are probably just worrying about someone seeing us," he reassured as they reached the door to their dorm.
"Maybe..." but Harry knew what he saw, and he had a terrible feeling for the rest of the day.

Morning came quickly, Harry rose out of bed and skipped off to Draco's room; he had decided to start waking up earlier to see Draco, and get at least 10 minutes of cuddling in bed with him. Harry wanted to push the question of them sleeping in the same bed, but was worried he was going to far.
He pushed the door ajar and saw a sound asleep boy in his green bed, Harry crept in, closed the door behind him, and slowly crawled beside Draco to hug him. A soft noise came from him and he acknowledged Harry next to him and wrapped a long pale arm around his new boyfriend.
"Morning," Draco said against Harry's lips as they were so close.
"Morning," Harry smiler, and placed a delicate kiss onto his nose, both boys blushed and closed their eyes.
They had taken longer this morning to get up, Harry clung onto Draco as he tried to get up, and the morning cold made them even less motivated. After complaining and a slow changing process, they hurried off to the Great Hall for breakfast with Ron and Hermione.

"Where've you two been then?" Ron asked, he had already shovelled down multiple pieces of toast and plates of eggs, Hermione had a look of disgust on her face.
"We uhhh, we couldn't really wake up," Harry said rubbing the back of his neck.
"Harry clung to me like a baby as I tried to get up."
"That definitely didn't happen!" he exclaimed, and sat down grabbing one of Ron's plates.
"Hey!" He tried grabbing back his plate but Harry pushed his hand away.
"I think you've had enough mate," he mentioned as he began to eat. Draco grabbed an apple and 2 goblets of pumpkin juice for him and Harry.
For once Harry felt like this was how him life was meant to go, everyone was getting on, no one was looking at Harry like he had a life of trouble, and he was sitting next to a man he loves.
That was until Harry looked over to the Slytherin table to see the same small 3rd year he had yesterday in the corridors.
She smiled at him, well it was more of a grin, like she had been planning something and was on the verge of laughing at whatever prank she had set.
Harry grabbed onto Draco under the table, and swallowed the ball in his throat.
"What's wrong?" Draco asked, putting down his slice of bread.
"I-" Harry started, but was interrupted by a bunch of owls flying in to deliver small envelopes.
"That's funny, post isn't due today," Hermione questioned. It wasn't odd that the post was arriving, but more because every single person, even teachers, were receiving the same small green and red note.
After a few seconds, people's eyes started to gaze over to Harry and Draco, some were shocked, some were disgusted, some were shaking their heads in disappointment.
"W-what's going on?" Draco asked, and grabbed the small note from Ron's hand.
Harry and Draco read:

Dear students of Hogwarts, how would you feel if two students who were once rivals were now dating, and hiding it from everyone? How would you feel if it were two guys? Well look over to the Griffindor table. Notice anything?
Sincerely, Anonymous.

Harry bubbled with anger, and Draco began to shake with fear. Draco, without mentioning it, ran out the hall, and Harry was left on his own, the eyes of everyone on him.

Draco had run as fast as he could, he didn't have a destination, he just ran. What would everyone do? Or say? What does everyone think? Many thoughts swirled through his mind as he burst into the haunted girls bathroom and sunk to the floor.
"Everything ok Draco?" Said a high voice from the window, Draco looked over to see a familiar friend perched on the windowsill. Moaning Myrtle.
"It's out, I'm out, Harry's out. My dads going to find out and-" the tears rolled down his faced, he sniffles but they came down hard, he grabbed his stomach, "I knew something like this would happen."
Myrtle swooped down, and laid her head on Draco's shoulder, obviously she was holding herself up so she didn't fall through him, but Draco felt her there and felt her comforting him.

Harry got up, and looked over to the Slytherin table, the girl was looking smug and drinking from her goblet. He wasn't being held back anymore, he launched at her, and tackled her to the ground. A bunch of people crowded round, and he almost punched her until he felt two hands lifting him up.
It was Hagrid. He had taken a hold of Harry and was now blocking him from getting to the Slytherin girl, "'arry! Stop that!" He said in his booming voice.
"It's her fault, all her fault!"
"Harry, calm down," another voice said, it was McGonagall.
"Calm down! Don't dare tell me to calm down, she is the reason everyone knows, the reason why Draco ran away and probably won't speak to me again!"
"That's not true-" Hagrid tried to say.
"It's disgusting, you and him. It's wrong and horrible and I was doing the school a favour letting them know we have two freaks in our grounds," the Slytherin girl spat like venom.
"You," McGonagall stabbed a finger the girls way, "my office now. Harry come with me."

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