Chapter 12: Ginny

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It had been a long day of staring at the back of Draco's head rather than paying attention to the professors for Harry. He was studying the masterpiece that was Draco Lucius Malfoy.
Harry's classes had ended for the day, as did Ron's and Draco's, Hermione on the other hand decided she would ask for some extra lessons.

"They give 8th years less classes as they don't need them and she goes to ask for more!" Ron complained. Harry was feeling slightly empty, as Draco had left to go and speak to Pansy and Blaise; apparently they were the only ones who knew about Draco liking guys. "I mean, is she bloody mental or something!"
"It's Hermione, did you really think she wouldn't ask for more? I'm surprised she hasn't tried to fix us a quiz yet..."
As if on cue, the petite girl they just so happened to be talking about skipped merrily down the corridor.
"She looks happy, that's a bad sign right?" Ron said, resulting in Harry elbowing him in the ribs to be quiet.
"Ok, so they said they couldn't get me any more classes as the professors have other commitments and their schedules are full. But I fixed us a quiz in transfiguration," Hermione announced, and both boys sighed.
"Why!" They both exclaimed.
"Why not? Now come on, let's eat Lunch." She grabbed the two by their sleeves and dragged them down the corridor to the Great Hall.

Harry stopped outside the Hall when he didn't see a familiar blond sitting in his seat at the Slytherin table. "Um, guys... I'm not hungry. I'm going to go back to my dorm and- and rest," he said forcing a smile.
If Harry was honest, the Great Hall gave him major ptsd, he hated it in there, especially when it was full of swarming students. He sometimes made his way in there without worrying too much, but couldn't stay for too long, and would use Draco or his friends as a distraction. Now that Draco, who acted like an anchor, wasn't there, Harry stressed and hurried to his dorm.
He opened the door, looking around he couldn't see anyone. He swung his bag down, and began to cry. He kept asking himself, what am I even crying about? Every time, more tears fell.

Draco had sneaked into the Slytherin common rooms to speak with Pansy and Blaise about his new feelings. He knew he was allowed in the common room, but a part of him felt it was illegal and therefore he had to hide in a small closet of dusty books and other objects he didn't recognise; probably things from the students that had all died.
"Guys," He said quietly, and the two sitting alone on the table looked up to see the pale boy sticking his head out of a cupboard.
"Draco?" Pansy said first, she was clearly surprised to see him. Blaise looked around him, then took Pansy by the arm and dragged her with him into the small cupboard.
"Everything ok mate?" Blaise asked first.
"Yeah it's just um, what would you say if I was to date someone?" Draco replied, his face going a little red from embarrassment.
"If you mean you and Potter getting together then we know," Pansy said, jealousy obvious in her tone.
Draco's heart stopped beating for a moment, "what did you say?"
"We know you and that scar-head have something for each other, we have known for ages. I can't believe you acted on it." Blaise explained.
"So- So you don't mind?"
"Draco, of course not. Obviously I'm a little jealous-"
"A lot jealous," Blaise mumbled to himself.
Pansy elbowed Blaise in the ribs, making him loose his breath so he would stay quiet, "But we are here for you." She rubbed his shoulder, and smiled at him. "Well, how long have you been dating?"
"You see, we aren't exactly... dating... yet..." he mumbled, but Blaise and Pansy knew what he had said.
"So what are you?" They asked in sync.
"Let's see... we kissed, it got steamy, we played chess, we showed we cared, and we also made out this morning. Make do with that as I have to get back to the dorms." And he quickly exited the cupboard and hurried down to his and Harry's dorm room.

The door was slightly ajar, which sent a panic all threw Draco as he got closer to the opening to peak his head in. He stayed quiet, in case something was going to attack him, and he readied his wand.
After 3 big breaths he pushed open the door and swung his wand above his head.
"WHOS THERE!" He yelled, making his body look bigger and pushing out his chest to warn the enemy away, but instantly noticed the small raven-haired boy curled up on the floor crying. "Harry, oh my- What, what happened...?" He asked, trying to stop Harry's tears. He wrapped his long arms around the boy, and rested his head on the messy bed of hair.
"T- the um, G-Great Hall, flashbacks." He began balling his eyes out again, and burrowing onto Draco's side as he rub small circles on Harry's back and brush his hair.
After a good 7 minutes of Harry crying, he sat up. Draco had never rushed him to speak to him, although he wanted him to. He felt like he was getting closer than ever to Harry and wanted to know everything about the boy he was now cradling and comforting.
"You think I'm stupid," Harry's croaky voice said quietly.
"No, of course not," He shushed, "I think you are normal, you are having the usual response to a triggering moment. I would know, I've had many of them."
At that, Harry sat up, looking deeply into Draco's mercury eyes, they were clouded as usual, "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm not great at sharing my feelings," Draco mentioned, avoiding eye contact with Harry.
But Harry put a hand on Draco's cheek, making him immediately turn back around, "you can with me." He caressed Draco's cheekbones, and leant in ready to kiss him when a loud crash came form the door and a small ginger-haired girl came stumbling in. Harry took his hand back, and Draco threw himself almost off the sofa to get away from Harry.
"H-Harry, thank Merlin you are here."
"Ginny? Is everything ok?" He asked, distancing himself from Draco.
"Yeah I just-" she stopped to notice the pale blond in the room, "What is he doing here?" She demanded for an answer.
"Don't know if you forgot Weaslette but I live here," Draco said standing up and folding his arms, trying to make himself seem taller. Harry laughed on the inside at his cuteness, but touched his shoulder as a sign he needed to leave for a moment.
As soon as Draco's door closed, Ginny sighed and turned sharp on her heels to Harry, "Since when are you two all chummy?"
He glanced to the side, trying to find a way to avoid all topics of Malfoy with anyone, "What is it Ginny?"
"Ok I'm going to try this again," she paused, letting the suspense build, Harry just wanted to know what she wanted so he could go back to Draco and spend a cold evening in. Ginny took in a deep breath, her cheeks went as red as her hair and she looked at her feet, trying to hide her obvious blush, "would you like to go on a date?"

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