Chapter 15: Free Period

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Draco had been staring out his bedroom window for the past 30 minutes, trying to find some way to tell Harry of his feelings. He had just woken up, and all he could think of was Harry.
"Hey," said a voice from behind Draco, turning around he saw it was the boy he had just been thinking about.
"Everything ok?" He asked.
Harry came up behind Draco and hugged him as a reply to his question. Snuggling his head into his shoulder, he made a small sound similar to a cat, and Draco's heart almost pounded out his chest.
He had been contemplating telling Harry, and decided now was the time, it was early morning and it was a great soft moment, "I-"
A girl with frizzy hair and Griffindor robes pushed into the room, she was about to speak when she noticed the two boys intertwined into each other and quickly gestured for them to break apart and for Harry to follow her.
So much for Draco's plan...

"So I talked to Ginny, and she told me everything," Hermione began, walking over to the small table and chairs in Harry and Draco's common room.
"How badly does she want me dead?" Harry put his head in his hands. They both sat down, Harry slumped in his chair.
"Very much, she was talking about how she thinks your gay and how she's going to spread the rumour."
"She what!?" He bolted up, fear spread throughout his veins.
"I'm sorry Harry," Hermione said with sympathetic eyes.
"She can't do that, it would ruin everything, it could ruin Draco," he began to shake, worrying Draco was never going to speak to him again.
"I know and that's why I'm going to help you," Hermione grabbed his hands comfortingly and rubbed her thumb over his knuckles.
A small click came from Draco's room, his door had opened and the tall pale boy walked out, rubbing sleep out his eyes, "Hey, can I possibly have him back now?"
Harry looked over to the boy, and smiled warmly, "I've kind of got a situation right now."
Draco sighed and leaned on the back of Harry's chair, lowered himself to Harry's ear and loudly whispered, "Can I see you at lunch?" Harry nodded slightly, his cheeks going red, "Meet me in the astronomy tower." He got up, and winked at Harry as he returned to his room, Harry bit his bottom lip without realising, Hermione watched in awe of the two boys, wishing they would hurry up and just get together properly.

Harry anxiously waved his quill around as he waited for the time to pass for lunch, he needed to know what Draco wanted to speak to him about, and why they weren't going to their dorm instead. His classes all day were filled with boring teachers and lots of writing. Not ideal.
There were 5 more minutes, he his pen moved quicker.
4, he gripped tighter.
3, 2, 1...
class was over, he swiftly collected his books, shoving them into his bag, and ran to the Astronomy tower.

Each stair creaked as he trod on it, each time it reminded him of that night, Albus Dumbledores death.
He reached the top, and there stood Draco Lucius Malfoy, standing tall, reading a note in his hand.
Harry cleated his throat to let Draco now he was there, the boy turned around and smiled, "I'm about to talk a lot, so try and keep your mouth shut," he chuckled, "when I joined Hogwarts, and I confronted you, all I wanted was to be friends with you. In second year, I realised I felt more than just a friendship that you denied, I knew I wanted more and beat myself up about it every day. It wasn't until year 6 that I started to accept that I wasn't going to stop feeling things for you.
"This year was different, I found out you liked me back, and I wrote my last letter to myself." He unfolded the note, and handed it to Harry.
Hesitant to read, he glanced at Draco who was slowly pacing around waiting for him to read.
'Dear myself,
         This will be the last letter I write, why? Because I finally have someone to comfort me and who will unconditionally love me no matter what I tell them. I spent years writing about liking someone and how they don't like me back and realised it was all stupid. So this is a goodbye, as I have found something better than this, I no longer want to remember the self loathing or hatred I had for myself, because that was the past, and Harry Potter is my present and my future.'
Harry's heart ached with love, he didn't know what to do, but fold up the note and stare at it, making sure it was definitely real, "Draco-"
"Wait, let me finish," he got closer to Harry, and held his hands, "only a few days ago, I found out this was more than a crush. I want to spend every second with you, I don't care if anyone judges us, I don't care about them, god, I don't care if my dad breaks out of Azkaban to tell me we are a disgrace to the Malfoy name. I have one sentence to say, it should explain everything," he took a deep breath, and swallowed the knot forming in his throat,

"I love you."

Harry couldn't move, he couldn't speak, all his dreams were happening in reality and he had no idea how to function. Draco watched for a reaction, but grew worried when Harry didn't even blink, "Harry?"
"I love you too," he replied quickly, and kissed him for a good 5 seconds, it was smooth, it meant more than their other kisses, it was full of love and meaning. They loved it.

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