Chapter Three

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      "Could you be any more annoying?" I groaned as Arrow kept getting closer to me to look at my notes.

"Could you be anymore of a bitch?" He asked before taking my page from me.

"Hey! Give that back." I grabbed at his arm.

Arrow smirked at me before holding it up in the air so I couldn't reach it.

"Arrow, please." I sighed.

He's been pestering the fuck out of me for the past two weeks and it's getting annoying, even more annoying than it was before. 

"Please," I looked up at him before he gave me back my paper.

"You don't have to get all sad, it's just notes." Arrow told me.

"I'd like to at least pass my classes, I'm going to university."

"Your grades won't get you in, your parents money will."

"You really are just a fucking asshole." I moved my desk away from him and put in my earphones before finishing my notes.

Arrow's such a fucking asshole and I'm sick of him sitting beside me. Andrew doesn't appreciate him sitting beside me either and over the last two weeks, Andrew's been close to telling him to move the fuck away from me. Andrew Hates him with a passion, which is understandable. I hate him too.

Although he is attractive, he's an asshole. An attractive asshole.

"You going the party tonight?" Arrow asked.

"Stop talking to me. I don't want to fucking talk to you." I flipped him off which made him chuckle. 

"I just asked you a question."

"Yes, I'm going." I sighed then went back to my work.

"Are you not going to ask if I'm going? That's rude, Princess."

"Well you're rude." I shot back at him.

"You're right. I am. I'm a rude asshole, and I don't care what you think. You're not even attractive." Arrow said.

I looked at him. "Yeah, neither are you."

"We both know that's a lie, I probably make you dripping," a smirk spread across his face.

"I have asked you both to be quite a number of times, both of you have detention at lunch." Our teacher suddenly said and she was now in front of us. 

"What? That's so not fair," I protested. "He was the one talking to me, I moved away from him."

"And yet you're still speaking to him, detention at lunch. Room 2076." She said before going to sit back at her desk. 

I ignored Arrow the rest of the class and once the bell rang, I went to the detention room before sending Andrew a quick text: Hey, Babe. I won't be at lunch cause I got detention. Arrow wouldn't shut his big mouth. Ily

Andrew: What do you mean you got detention? I'm gonna kick his ass.

I let out a giggle, Andrew wouldn't even be able to throw a punch at Arrow. Arrow was much more built than my boyfriend and also taller.  And Andrew's all talk.

Me: Don't worry about it, I'll see you later.

Andrew: Okay. Love you.

Me: I love you too.

I put my phone done and took out my homework before Arrow walked in. He went to the back where some girl was sitting and she smiled at him.

"Hey," he said to her and she kissed him.

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