Chapter Thirty Seven (Final Chapter)

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             "What?" I asked as I looked at him. His dark eyes were staring back at me, I just wanted to smack him but also hug him at the same time.

"Jo, I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry, baby." His voice broke as he said that.

"Don't you dare call me that," tears started pouring down my face. "You lost that right to call me that when I was an object to your game, Arrow. I trusted you, I loved you."

"I know, I fucked up- but please just listen to me. Please," he begged.

The doors opened and closed again before Alec came into view. "Leave her alone, Arrow." Alec hissed.

"I need to talk to her," Arrow told him before looking back at me.

"No, not today. Leave her the fuck alone, man."

Arrow looked stone one more time before heading back inside. Alec came over to me and wrapped his arms around me.

I started sobbing into his shoulder as I gripped the fabric of his gown.

"Hey, it's okay, Jo." He told me as he rubbed my back.

"It's so hard to look at him, because I still love him. I love him more than anything, Alec. He's special to me no matter what, he taught me how to love myself, he taught me what real love is."

"I know, I know." Alec lead me over to the a bench and we sat down. "Love is hard, loving someone is hard. I know how much you loved him, how much you love him. I'm fucking pissed at him for hurting you because your one of my best friends but he does deserve a chance to tell his story."

"What if he never loved me, Alec? I couldn't be able to handle that."

"He does love you, trust me. He's in love with you, Johanna. Just give it time, okay? Take some more time if you need it, I know you do. One day it'll be okay, maybe not today or in a week but it will be."

I nodded and wiped my eyes. "I'm gonna stay out here,"

"I'll stay with you," Alec told me.

That night was hard, my parents didn't end up showing up to graduation. It hurt for awhile, but I got over it quickly. Mary was there and that's all that matters to me. She is my family.

After graduation, I Decided to get out of town for a bit so I headed down to our beach house.

I was there alone for a few days before my friends came down.

We partied and spent most of our days at the beach. I started to cry less and soon I didn't cry everyday. I still thought about Arrow everyday but I didn't know how much time I needed before I could talk to him.

It had been three weeks since graduation and I hadn't been to town since the day I left for the beach house. Today, I had to run back to town to pick up a few things from the house and stock up more at the beach house.

I gave Mary the whole summer off, paid so she could spend it with Richard. I've seen her a couple times a week though and she looks so happy. I'm happy he makes her happy. She deserves nothing but happiness, she's an amazing person. The most amazing person I've ever met.

The drive back to my house was nice, it was raining but not too heavy. When I finally got to my house, it felt so weird to be back at home since I basically lived at the beach house.

When I unlocked the house and walked in, I was hit with a blast of cold air. I slipped off my shoes and ran upstairs to pack up stuff.

I grabbed a bag and packed up some more clothes and stuff before putting it in the back of my car.

I locked up the house before leaving. On the way back to the beach house, I stopped at my favourite coffee shop in town.

There wasn't many people there which was nice, I went up to the front and ordered my iced coffee.

After paying for it and receiving it, I sat at a table by the window and looked at the cars passing by as the rain came down.

I stirred my iced coffee with my straw to really mix in the flavour that was at the bottom.

"Jo," A voice said making me look up.

I seen Arrow standing there holding a coffee of his own. "Arrow," I said.

"Hey," He gave me a small smile. "Can we talk?"

I looked at him and nodded.

He let out a sigh of relief before sitting down across from me.

The man I loved, the man I was still in love with was sitting across from me about to tell me everything. I was going to let him tell me everything....

~I wanna thank every one of you for reading my book! Thank you for voting and commenting! You guys are so incredible and I couldn't have written it without you guys! Can't believe I wrote this in a little over a year!

I hope you enjoyed it! Tell me your thoughts! Thank you so much!

So sequel???

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