Chapter Twenty Three

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Arrow POV

Two weeks earlier

How could she fucking say that shit and fucking kiss him? How could she fucking kiss Lucas?! She was my girlfriend! I was in love with her, I just didn't know how to tell her, I definitely couldn't tell her now. Not after that.

My hands gripped onto the steering wheel as I drove back to my house to pack up her shit, I didn't want a single reminder of her in my bedroom, in my house. I didn't want anything of her around. I was fucking hurt and pissed off.

When I got in my house, I threw my keys somewhere close to the table and started packing up her shit. I stuffed her clothes, makeup, phone charger and a few other things she had in my room into her bag.

I should just fucking throw her shit out, but I wasn't going to be that rude. I didn't want a fight from her.

Once I was finished with the bag, I took it to the front door and put it outside. Then I locked the door and went to my bedroom.

I looked at the framed picture of us that was on my nightstand and sighed. It was a picture taken on Christmas morning and I was holding her while she opened her necklace from me. We both looked so happy in this picture, my mom was able to capture the perfect moment.

My hand went for the frame and grasped it before throwing it at the wall and hearing the glass shatter and go all over the floor.

I made my room dark by closing all the curtains  so I could get some sleep. I just wanted to forget back to this all, I wanted to forget this day, I wanted to forget the past five months but I knew that wasn't going to happen.

I loved this girl a lot, she had grown on me so much since I came back. She wasn't the same girl she was before, or so I thought. But she's out here saying I'm nothing to her and kissing other guys so maybe she really is the same Johanna as I knew before. All she cared about was being liked and being popular. She didn't care about anyone but herself.

I don't understand how I could have fallen for her when she's like that. She hasn't changed, not even a bit.

Despite everything, I was still in love with her. Despite everything she didn't know....

When I finally returned back to school a few days later, that fucker came up to me.

"Arrow, Listen."

"Stay away, Lucas." I growled at him and slammed my locker closed.

"I kissed her, she didn't kiss me." He huffed.

"Excuse me?" I whipped around to face him. "You fucking kissed my girlfriend? Do you not respect relationships? Jesus fucking Christ!"

"Sorry, man. I couldn't help it. I had the opportunity and I took it."

I clenched my fist and throw a punch at him. My fist clashed against his cheek while he got a single punch in on me.

"Stay the fuck away from her." I spat at him and walked away.

The taste of blood filled my mouth as I walked out to my car.  Fuck this place, I couldn't deal with this shit today.

My hand went to the back of my mouth and wiped the blood away. "Fuck," I groaned as I slammed the steering wheel of my car when I got in. All this was fucking dumb, I hate having feelings. My feels towards Jo grew so fast during the five months we got to know each other, I had no idea I could develop feelings that quickly or at all for her.

The past few days I did receive quite a few messages from Johanna, but I never responded to them. I needed time to think, time to understand and to be alone.

I did miss her laying in my arms with her head against my chest. She always looked so adorable when she was sleeping, she always made soft adorable noises in her sleep that made me smile.

Being away from Jo was hard, I missed her a lot but I was still so upset. I was hurt by her, no matter how much I loved her, I needed some time to think.

Getting an invite to her party was something to think about, I know we needed to talk. We couldn't just ignore the problems we had, she missed me and I definitely missed her. I knew I had to go, not only for us but for her. The smile on her face when she sees me will be priceless, all I want us for her to smile and be happy.

Ir was a day before her party that she texted me again:  hope you'll come to my party...I really would like it if you showed up ♥️

While I wanted to text her back to let her know I was coming, I wanted it to be a surprise.

When the day of her party came, I decided not to go to school so I could see her at her party. If I seen her at school, I would for sure take her in my arms and spin her around before kissing her like I never have before. I missed the touch of her soft lips against mine...

The thought of kissing her again made me feel warm and slightly happy.

I couldn't wait to see her tonight, I knew she was going to look as beautiful as always.

It was around six when I started getting ready for the party, I put on a black dress shirt and matching dress pants. When I was finished getting ready, I slipped Jo's gift into my pocket.  She was going to love her gift, I couldn't wait to see it on her.

I said bye to my parents and Lilian before heading off the to the party. The party was being held at club which I assumed someone in her family owned.

There was a line up outside as security was checking names off on a list. I skipped ahead of the line and told them who I was along with slipping in I was Jo's boyfriend.

I'm glad she told them I was her boyfriend so I could get in right away. I looked around and spotted Jo out on the second floor balcony.

I made my way up the stairs and told the guy at the top who I was. As soon as I stepped in Jo's view, a smile spread across her beautiful face. She ran to me, "Arrow!"

She looked so beautiful. I loved this girl so much.

~Hope everyone enjoyed Arrow's POV! Thank you so much for reading and tell me what you thought!

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