Drinks with Friends

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A.N. So I may have written Nat a little OOC in this chapter, but let me know what you think of this characterization.

Natasha's P.O.V.

"Are you sure this is the right place?" Rogers asked, taking a look around the bar.

I will admit that the place did look a little seedy with dingy lighting that was only dampened by the smoke that lofted above our heads, while the darkness was assisted by the dark wood paneling on the walls. The fact that I'm pretty sure there was a drug deal doing on in one corner and plenty of people that I knew were soldiers of fortune didn't help either.

"Yeah, it's a good place to be if you don't want to get spotted, though it doesn't seem like our friend has gotten the message." I saw Hunter standing against a wall and made my way to him. "Hunter," I said, giving the man a hug.

"Hey, Nat?" He returned the hug, holding me for a while. "I heard what happened. How are you and Barton doing?"

I took a step back a shrugged, "You know. Clint's still trying to cope but you know."

Hunter nodded before looking over my shoulder to Rogers, "I see you brought a guest."

I smiled, "Hunter, meet Steve Rogers. Steve, meet Lancelot Hunter."

"Did you really have to use my full name?" Hunter asked with a chuckle as the three of us took a seat at one of the booths in the pub.

"Yes, yes I did." Hunter threw an arm around my shoulders, while gesturing for one of the waitresses.

"So Hunter, um do you work for SHIELD?" Steve asked in a low voice.

Hunter barked out a short laugh, "Oh no no no. I had enough exposure to SHIELD to know that wasn't the way I wanted to go."

"You sure hang out around us enough," I added under my breath.

"Anyway," Hunter said, glaring at me. "I'm a private military contractor, pays better and I get to pick my own hours."

I rolled my eyes, though it was more Hunter being Hunter than the comment itself.

"Hey, don't judge, if I remember your partner did the exact same thing."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Steve stiffen. He still didn't really trust Clint and that comment wasn't going to make anything better.

"You mean the same partner that you paid the plane ticket for so that he could visit his ex-wife, who just happened to be your girlfriend at the time."

Hunter grumbled a little bit, "Well I'm going to go get us drinks. What do you drink captain?"

Steve held up a hand, "I-I don't really like to drink, doesn't do much. I'll just take a water."

"Yeah mate, you don't want to drink the water here, but don't worry I'll take care of you." With that Hunter patted Rogers on the back before making his way to the bar.

"So, how do you know Hunter?" Rogers asked, looking around the pub as if someone was about to attack us.

"Don't worry Rogers, Hunter wouldn't do anything to hurt us," I explained, trying to calm the super soldier.

"Are you sure, because he just admitted to being a gun-for-hire. So, I'll ask again, how did you meet him?"

"Well, it turned out that Clint had known him from when they were both in the service. I didn't meet him until after he and Bobbi had started dating, well actually dating. You see, Bobbi, Agent Morse, was assigned to him because SHIELD thought he had info on the Ten Rings. The four of us didn't really start hanging out until after Bobbi and Hunter's wedding."

"Which we won't be talking about," Hunter said, sliding back into the booth with a round tray full of shots and a pint of what I assume was Guinness. I could see that my explanation didn't really do anything to sooth Rogers about our present company.

"I don't really do shots," Steve said as Hunter began to unload the shots from the tray.

"Oh, most of these are for Nat here," Hunter explained, setting the Guinness in front of Rogers.

"Are you sure that's a good idea, Natasha?" Steve asked, looking at the line of shots in front of me.

"Oh don't worry mate, Tash here can drink us all under the table," Hunter explained, reaching over me to set the try against the wall so that it wouldn't take up as much space on the table.

"I trust Nat..ashsa," It was almost as if he tried to call me by a nickname, but the soldier in him wouldn't let him, "At her ability to judge what she can and can not handle. I'm more worried about the health repercussions."

"Rogers, in my line of work there is no retirement and to be honest I'd rather die from alcohol poisoning than some crazy man who's a little too trigger happy. If I'm going to die, it's going to be on my terms."

That took Rogers back and the look of sadness and pity he got in his eyes only made me want to get the vodka – because of course, Hunter would play into the stereotype, I mean he's not wrong but still - that sat in front of me into my body as quickly as I could.

I think that Hunter could sense my agitation because he quickly suggested a toast. "To dying on our turns." Rogers and I both raised our glasses before the three of us drank. The only difference between the two men and I though was that I followed my first drink with two more shots.

"So, what was the mission that brought you two into town?" Hunter asked once he finished his shot.

"I don't think we can-"

I cut Rogers off, "Human trafficking ring." I saw the way the Rogers was looking at me, "It's over now anyway, not like I just blew the mission."

"Oof, you ok?" Hunter asked, looking at me.

I nod. It was during the drunken celebrations after the wedding that some secrets had been spilled. While Hunter didn't know exactly everything that happened to me, he did know that I had grown up thinking my body was for others to use.

We continued to drink and catch up until Hunter was on the more drunk side of buzzed. I gave the man a hug before following Rogers, who for most of the conversation looked like he missed being frozen in the ice, out the pub.

"Would it be okay if I stayed in your room, just to make sure you're okay through the night. I don't mean to sound forward."

"Oh, I know you wouldn't do that. I've read your file, you're so strait-laced I doubt you'd even call a female dog a bitch. If you want to stay the night in my room, it's fine. In fact, it might cull the rumors about Barton and I being a thing."

"Are you two... a thing?"

I just shrugged in response and walked ahead of Rogers for a couple of paces before he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

"You know you talk about reading everyone's files, but how come I haven't had a chance to look at yours?" Rogers asked, the accusation clear in his voice.

"Because it's above your clearance – Level 10," Fury mainly put that way so that no new agents would stumble upon the whole Johnson incident, "Besides after how you reacted hearing what Hunter does, I don't think you'd really enjoy seeing my past. Don't worry though, I promise to be your perfect little soldier." With that, I lengthened my stride and left Rogers behind, not really wanting to have to deal with him anymore tonight.

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