Revealed (New Ending)

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A.N. As always with the movies I've decided to only cover portions that I think would be better with added info. I also like to ignore the movie that is Age of Ultron.

Clint's P.O.V.

I glanced over my shoulder to where Nat was sitting staring forward, the sight brought back flashbacks of Budapest. I was going to kill those punks. I wanted to get up and wrap Nat in my arms but knew that she would be angrier at me for helping that for just standing aside.

After a few hours of flying, we landed at the farmhouse and I prayed that Laura wouldn't be too upset with Nat and I dropping in unannounced with a group of guests that included a new age Jekyll and Hyde, a super soldier and an actual god. I wrapped an arm around Natasha's waist our merry band of misfits got off the quinjet and made our way toward the porch.

"Hey, we're home," I called as I entered. Laura rounded the corner and stopped in shock as she caught sight of our group and the state that we were in. "And I brought guests."

"I can see that."

"Sorry we didn't call ahead," I apologized as I gave Laura a hug.

"This is some sort of agent," Tony stated, trying to take in the room though I wasn't sure if he had never seen such a lived-in home or if he didn't think that SHIELD agents had any semblance of a normal life.

"Gentlemen," I said, "This is Laura."

"I know all of your names."

Stark does a small wave as though trying to diffuse the awkwardness of the situation; meanwhile, I heard the sound of feet pounding against the hardwood floor as they made their way to the living room from the backdoor.

"Incoming," I muttered and a few seconds later the full weight of Lila was launched onto me with a cry of 'Uncle Clint' while I pulled Cooper closer and kissed the top of his head. "Man, you've grown since the last time I've seen you."

"These are smaller agents," Tony remarked, making me roll my eyes.

"Did you bring Auntie Nat?" Lila asked. I remembered how upset she had been about Nat having not come with me the last time that I had come to make my donation.

"Why don't you hug her and find out?" Nat replied stepping forward. I was glad to see Nat with an expression other than the blank look that she had been sporting but I was sad that it was just another one of Nat's masks.

"Sorry for just barging in," Rogers said. I had kind of forget that the team was here for a second as both Nat and I were used to forgetting about work issues the minute we crossed the house's threshold.

"Yeah, we were too busy not knowing that you existed," Stark said bitterly, as though he and Banner had kept the whole making Artificial Intelligence thing a secret.

"Yeah, Fury helped me set this whole thing up a few years ago. He kept it off SHIELD's files, I'd like to keep it that way. Figured it's a good place to lay low."

As Thor stepped on one of Lila's lego buildings - not that I could blame him, those damn things seemed to spread through the house like fire- Nat made her way over to Laura. While the two of us had talked to her and the kids - mainly about Lila being scared that wolves were going to take her away, thanks to tales from her bother- we hadn't gotten the chance to see them.

"I missed you." Nat crouched down so that she was on the same level as Laura's stomach. "How's little Natasha, huh?" Laura had actually been the one to suggest the name given that Nat was the one that set thing whole thing in motion.

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