We Have a Problem

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Clint's P.O.V.

I had just finished showering and changing after training when I overheard someone mumble, "He acts like he's great because he can shoot from a long distance." It took me a couple of seconds, but I realized the voice belonged to Jake.

"You and I both know that it's because he's too much of a pansy to actually fight some face to face," I recognized that voice as one of Jake's lackeys, Justin.

"And Coulson acts like he's the best recruit ever; I can't even see the point of wasting a SO like him on a guy like Barton who's not even going to pass," Jake complained.

"I mean really, he's just-"

"I'm just what?" I asked stepping out of the shower area and to where the lockers were.

"You're a stupid fifth-grade dropout who thinks he's amazing because he can stay away from the real action. I can't believe that Coulson is even wasting his time working with you. I mean come on, everyone was betting on how long you would last before you washed out or got kicked out. Honestly, most of us are surprised you've lasted this long." Jake said, stepping closer to me.

"I'm a better agent than you'll ever be."

"This that the delusion you keep telling yourself. How do you expect to be a good agent when you're not even man enough fight someone face-to-face?"

"Really, you don't think I'm man enough? How about we test that theory?" I said, getting closer. I had faced enough bullies in the orphanage and in the circus to know that they won't back down unless you make them.

Jake stepped towards me and I raised my hands up in a defensive position that Coulson taught me during my weekend study days. Jake went to make a jab at me and I blocked it, returning a pretty good hit in return. We continued to trade blows back and forth. I was doing really well too until Justin stepped in and hit me right below the ribs, knocking the air out of me. Jake took that moment to get his foot closely acquainted with my stomach. It pushed me into one of the brick walls that made up the perimeter of the room and I hit my head, falling to the ground. Jake and Justin took the opportunity to kick me while I was down, paying extra attention to my ribs and head. Soon the world grew black and I passed out.

When came to I felt like shit. I moved to get up and took in a sharp breath; my ribs like they were bruised, maybe fractured. The fact that the room was tilting a little and that everything seemed to have multiplied. I walked/limped to Coulson's office since it was time for my lunchtime study sessions, hopefully, I wouldn't be too late.

He looked up when I walked in, concern on his face. Guess I looked pretty bad. "What happened to you, Clint?"

"I'll tell you when there aren't three on you in the room anymore," I sat on the couch and take another sharp breath in, definitely bruised.

"Clint let me get a look at you."

"It's okay, it's just a few bumps and bruises."

"A few bumps and bruises? Clint, you looked like death when you came in, now let me look at you to make sure you'll aright."

"I think we both know I'm not alright, but fine." I took my shirt off to let him look at the damage and not going to lie, my torso looked like a Jackson Pollock painting.

"Well you're covered in bruises and what's this? This isn't from anything that happened here right?" He pointed to the scar that ran from my left shoulder to my sternum.

"No, it's from an old fight, a reminder of what happens when you snitch on others.".

"Is that why you won't tell me which of the recruits have been messing with you and don't give me that look, I know that there are some recruits that have been targeting you."

I just give me a look and he sighed, knowing I won't spill anything.

"Well, the bruising is pretty bad, but you'll heal. I don't want you to do any physical training for the next week and I really don't want you moving any more than you need to today."

"But I need to train if I'm going to be allowed to join SHIELD."

"Training in the condition you're in right now will only make things worse. I'm going to call Peterson and tell him what happened. While you are going to stay here and rest. I'm also going to give you some more pointers on fighting once you're up for it. Especially on how to take on two guys at once."

"I never told you there were two men sir."

"You just did." He tossed a blanket over me, "Now rest, I'm going to get you some ice and pain medication I'll be back by the time you wake up."

I nod and pull the blanket closer, maybe Coulson really does know what he's doing with me.

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