Chelsea: I'm Sorry.

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"It's been weeks Chelsea. They're starting to ask a lot of questions here." Anna whispered into the phone. "You have to come back. One of the partners retired early and the case loads for the juniors are doubling."

"I can't yet." I answered honestly as I prepared myself for her reaction. My legs paced back and forth across the hardwood lined floor.

"They're talking about you getting the promotion but they cannot promote someone if they're are here!" This time Anna spoke loudly. Her tone was sharp and direct. "I know you love her but you can't throw away this opportunity." She added more reasonably.

My feet abruptly came to a holt. "I know." I sighed into the phone.

My mind drifted back to New York. More than one thousand miles away everything that I have ever wanted was now waiting for me. All I had to do was take it. Fly home, show up and take it but, that would mean leaving her.

The movie was coming into the end phases of filming and the demand for her presence there had tripled. Jessica was doing better. Her nightmares had died down and the happinesses had returned to her beautiful eyes; especially when we were alone.

"Hello?" Anna pushed our conversation again.

"I'm here, Anna book me a flight back."

"I'll let them know and book it for Sunday."

"That's tomorrow Anna." I retorted quickly, my entire body shuttered at the thought of leaving hear.

"You need to be here for Monday Chelsea. I have to go to a meeting. Your itinerary will be in you email."

"Okay." My heart pounded in my chest.

"She'll be fine Chelsea. You can't throw away your career."

"I know, see you Monday." I rushed her.


I hung up the phone and looked around Jessica's bed room. Tonight would be the last night here with her. I couldn't help but think of how she would react. Just last week she questioned everything because of our difference lifestyles.

My hands trembled a bit as I rushed through the different outcomes of the conversation. Not a single ounce of my being wanted this to end but this was something I've worked for my entire life.

Not going would ruin my career and staying would mean choosing her over my goals.


The next few hours passed slowly as I packed. Every single piece of clothing that I placed into the bags broke my heart more and more. I felt as if I was leaving myself here in her bedroom. My mind and my body would be in New York but my heart would remain here with her.

A small knock at the door knocked me out of my trance. When I opened it Ryan's eyes met mine. Behind me he could see my bags packed and placed on her bed.

"You're leaving?" His voice broke slightly.

"I have to Ryan. The firm wants to make me a partner. I have to go back."

Ryan leaned against the doorframe, his weight shifted to one side as he stood silently.

"Does she know?" He asked.

"Not yet, I just found out myself."

"You worked hard for this Chelsea and you deserve it but I'm going to miss you being around." Ryan wrapped his arms around me. We haven't hugged like this since our parents died. "And she will too."

My eyes begin to water after Ryan spoke. I forced those tears back and blocked them out. Ryan understood me. He understood that my job meant everything to me. I just hoped Jessica would understand as well.

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