Chelsea: Candor.

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Still editing******

"Hey I got in late but I recorded your interview, can't wait to see it. Call me when you can." Her voicemail message was short; way too short. I loved hearing her voice. It wasn't much, but it helped minimize the literal distance between us.

Television really wasn't something I indulged in often. I always found myself reading or looking down at the city life on the streets below. I did however take every opportunity I could get to see her.

My fingers navigated through the DVR until I found the recording.

'Dustin Winters and Jessica Lowe.'

I sat through his annoyingly long montage. My legs perched up on my leather sofa while I scrolled through my phone, waiting patiently for Jessica to answer. The moonlight illuminated my living room. It was unusually bright for this hour, even for New York City.

"Without further ado, lets bring out tonight's special guest. Jessica Lowe!" My eyes immediately shot back to my large flat screen.

There she was. She wore a read dress that screamed look at me. Her hair was perfect and it sat down past her shoulder only on her left side, allowing the camera to capture every single ounce of beauty she had. Jessica looked nervous although I'm not entirely sure anyone else would have been able to notice.

"You look ravishing tonight Jessica!" Dustin spoke enthusiastically. "We're so happy to have you with us." His cheesy tone reminded me of that weird guy from the hunger games.

The crowd cheered after he spoke. Jessica giggled lightly as she turned and gave a humbling wave to the fans cheering for her.

"Thank you so much, I'm happy to be here." She spoke gracefully.

The interview went on and on. He asked simple questions about the movie and coworkers. They played a clip that showed just how amazing Jessica was. The way the camera loved her and the way she could convey so much emotion in a twenty second clip.

"You're so young and so talented." Dustin complimented. "So of course I have to ask." Dustin place a large amount of emphasis on 'have'. "Is there a special man in your life?"

My mouth hung ajar as I stared blankly at my television. I watched Jessica raise an eyebrow at Dustin before she smoothly sat back in her chair.

"There is someone special but things are rather complicated." Jessica answered coyly. "It often is in Hollywood. There are always complications."

"Come on Jessica, the world needs details!" Dustin pushed her.

I watched Jessica smile and place her hand on top of Dustin's. "I'm a complicated person Dustin. When I figure it out you'll be the first to know."

There was a brief moment of silence while Dustin eyed down Jessica. His manicured face held unfazed as it did not weaver from his predominate poker face.

Then finally as she pulled her hand away he spoke. "Does some of the complication have to do with Richard Price?"

Instinctively I grabbed the remote and paused the show. I felt my anger flare as blood rushed through my veins. "That fucking asshole!" I threw the remote across my living room. It landed with a large bang as it crashed into a vase Ryan had gifted me a few Christmas's ago.

My eyes lingered on the screen. Jessica's face told a story that only a few people really knew. She was breaking down in front of that clueless asshole. I knew if she had a bat nearby she'd probably beat the shit out of him right there for the world to see.

I took my phone and opened my cable app where I hesitantly pressed play.

Jessica answered quickly, so quickly that it was obvious that she was uncomfortable. "I'm not sure what you're implying."

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