Jessica: Promotions.

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Still editing!!!!************

Three months later.

Hello, you've reached Chelsea Marin. Unfortunately I'm not able to answer at the moment. Please leave a message here or at my office.

My heart pounded as I listened to her voice through the phone. It was becoming more and more missed calls and unanswered text messages. When she called I was in meetings or on promoting campaigns. When I called she was in a meeting or in court.

The movie was receiving a lot of publicity because of Richard's death and every interviewer wanted the inside scoop. They wanted to know if he ever hit on me or any other girls. They wanted to know how much of what he filmed would make it into the movie. What they didn't know was just how good of an actress I actually was. Every single interview I looked them in the eye and lied. That I was not personally victimized by him in any way.

There is no greater pain than betraying yourself day after day.

Every time I lied about it I fell deeper and deeper into a dark whole. Just when I felt I was losing myself in that darkness Chelsea would call but now, but now those calls are starting to disappear.

Her firm didn't promote her yet. They threw her back into a heavy set of caseloads and Chelsea did what Chelsea did best, she won. She won all of them. No, not all we're won in court. Some settled out while others just gave up. She fought for the high profile businesses as well as the wealthy and she did it well. When we did speak, she seemed more and more like the old Chelsea. The cutthroat lawyer who lacked nearly all emotion. It was all about her and her work.

Part of me wondered if that was actually who she was. I wondered if maybe how she was around me was nothing more than a short break away from her hectic daily life.

"Hey Chelsea it's me, just calling before I head to the studio. Call me later if you get some down time." I ended the call and placed my phone in my bag.

Ian was picking me up shortly so I could get to hair and makeup before the interview. I walked through the apartment and sat by the window. Autumn in LA was beautiful. It was cooler and less congested. The locals walked the streets more and there was a general calmness around my neighborhood. Perhaps it was the wealth or the fact that everyone seemed less stress here than in New York, either way it was working for me. Chelsea was the only thing that made me wish things were different.

Time passed slowly while I waited for Ian by that window. I watched people walking the streets downstairs. They walked pasted effortlessly, seeming to have nowhere to actually be. The sun shined down on them as I imagined the clanking of their feet hitting the sidewalk.

Across the room I heard my phone vibrate. When I looked at it I was shocked to see it was in fact Chelsea.l who had text me and not Ian.

Hey sorry, can I stay at your loft next week? They just left a voicemail saying they have to fix some plumbing for the apartment above me.

Another message quickly followed.

I'm sorry I couldn't answer. I'm in a meeting. Anna thinks next week when the seniors meet they will promote me. How are you?

My mind instantly took over as my fingers tapped away on my phone.

You have the key, stay as long as you want. And that's good. You deserve it. It's what you've always wanted. I'm doing okay. I lied. I missed her but the last thing I wanted to do was add to her stress.

Just okay? Chelsea answered quickly.

Before I could reply Ian face popped up on my home screen.

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