Chelsea Lowe

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Still editing this one. Last chapter guys. Enjoy.

It was as if the entire world exploded that night. As soon as we left the building there were reporters rushing towards us like infected animals looking for meet. I knew eventually it would come to this. What I didn't know is how well equipped Ian was.

He stood in front of us with a polite smile and a calm, cool composure.

"I'm sorry but tonight, we're celebrating. There will be plenty of time for questions and answers. This night however, it belongs to Jessica and the ones she loves. Enjoy your night."

We walked past the flashing lights back down the red carpet towards our waiting limo. For Ryan, Ian, and myself it was just another walk. For Jessica however, this night changed her. I don't know what exactly it was but, it pulled me in further. It was as if she was taller, confident, and more beautiful all at the same time. Every single step she took I felt myself getting more and more lost in her. She had taken the world by storm and she knew it.

I wasn't sure if she could feel my eyes on her or if she felt the essence of her allure but she turned her head towards me and held out her hand.

"Let go home Chelsea." Her eyes met mine and it was almost too much for me to handle.

She looked so beautiful in that moment. The flashing lights bounced off the glitter highlights of her makeup mixed with a devilish smile and I swear my heart missed a few beats.

"What about your party?" Ryan interrupted my thoughts. He seemed to be almost pouting.

"I don't want to party. I want to go home." Jessica's eyes narrowed at Ryan. I watched as they stared at each other in front of the limo before a light bulb clicked on in Ryan's head.

"Yeah, definitely so we'll go without you then. To your party. Well, I'll call you tomorrow." Ryan gave Jessica a hug and whispered something in her ear. "Goodnight Chelsea" Ryan locked me in an overbearing hug. One that was a little too tight. He lingered there for a while like I wasn't going to see him ever again.

"What the fuck Ryan. Why are you being so weird?" I whispered to him as he continued to hold me.

"I'm just proud of you that's all. You picked a good one Chelsea. Don't let her go."

"I won't."

"Good. Goodnight guys."

Ian gave us both small hugs before him and Ryan walked down to a second limo.

The driver held the door and helped us both in to the limo.

We sat close to each other. So close that I could feel Jessica's arm brush against mine. Jessica was smiling at me. It wasn't just a normal smile. It was the kind of smile that showed on every part of her body. All of her was happy.

"You're not upset we aren't going to the after party are you?" She asked as she ran her fingers up and down my arm.

"Not at all."

Jessica giggled and leaned in. I felt her hot breath against my neck. "Good because you are the after party."

"Please tell me that's not what you told my brother."

Jessica's eyes peered into mine. "Not at all Chelsea Marin."

"The what the fuck..." My sentence was cut off abruptly when Jessica's lips captured mine. Her hand landed on my cheek and she pulled me into the kiss. It wasn't aggressive. It wasn't the kind of kiss that led us to stripping down in the back of the limo but it was also so much more. Our lips fit perfectly together and I felt her smiling blissfully against me.

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