9. An Unknown Person

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Kiss her.

At that moment, my mind flashes back to the incident that happened last week— where Soa fell on top of me. Her lips; they were so soft and delicate, like she was. My ears begin to flush red. After finding out she was a girl, my heart hasn't calmed down since then.

"Why are you so red? It's just a kiss. And a good kiss can make anyone fall head over heels with you." Jimin hyung advises. "Well, that or a slap. Just don't kiss her if she isn't that into you yet."

"I...I'm going to get a drink." I ruffled the back of my head, feeling lost. "Want anything?"

"Get me condoms." Jimin answers, and I choke.

"Hyung, go get that yourself." I shoot him a judging look before leaving.

As I jogged along to the convenience shop nearby, my mind was filled with wild thoughts— kissing her? I couldn't imagine. Although our lips touched once, I could never fathom the thought of doing it. To me, a kiss was a sacred act of love, and I wouldn't kiss just anyone. But Soa? Strangely....I wouldn't mind, at all.

And then— Haneul flashes across my mind.

"What am I doing?"  I mumble to myself. "Haneul's long gone."

My hands reached out to the door and I enter, the cold air seemingly cleansing my head of the past. My eyes soon landed on the stack of magazines, particularly the female oriented ones that teach you how to be attractive. Curious, I flipped the pages of the brightly coloured magazines, the neon font causing slight discomfort to my eyes.

"Hey look, isn't this you?"

I turn my head towards a group of boys causing a ruckus near the magazine stand. One of them points at a sports magazine, where it depicts what seems to be a up and coming boxer— Kwon Jaegyu.

When I look amongst them, the one in the middle seems to match the picture. He caught sight of my staring and leered back, a certain bloodlust in his glare.

"You," He tilts his head, sneering at me. "Aren't you Jeon Jungkook?"

After slight hesitation, I nodded. Do I know this guy?

"Well, see you at the preliminaries. If you can make it." The boxer shoots me another smug smirk, before heading out of the store with the other on-looking boys.

What a strange person. However— seeing that he's on the magazine, that must mean his boxing skills were top notch. It wasn't very common to see young boxers on the front page.

Shrugging the thought off, I grabbed a juice box, an <Attract the other gender!> neon pink magazine and headed to the counter. Midway— I stop, and also grabbed an ice cream for Soa.

"Step one: buy them things they like." I recite from the magazine.



"Ugh....." I groaned in dismay. "So hot."

I was so excited about Jungkook's tournament in the morning, to dread the heatwave that came in the noon. Oh God. It was as hot as the devil's lair. I perched my legs up onto my desk, performing Soa's ritual— sipping a can of soda with a pinky up.

"Ah, this is the best!" I cheered as the cold beverage went down my throat.

As I twirled around in the little rolley chair, I notice what seems to be a piece of paper stuck between the mattress of Jungkook's bed. It must've fallen there while he was turning in bed.

And so I decided to pick it up, before placing it onto his desk. However— the image on the paper catches my attention, and I stop in my tracks.

Then there was a sudden tightness grasping my heart.

"Jungkook and....." my eyes travelled to the person beside him.

A girl.



Short chapter, but I hope you liked it!

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