13. New Boy

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"What do you think the headmaster called us for?" I spoke, breaking the silence.

The two of us were walking silently; awkwardly. The events from earlier smacked us right in the face whenever our eyes met. But even though it was awkward, the pink flutter in my stomach grew, a feverish lightness occupies my head and I feel like I'm flying somehow. It was a nice yet strange feeling. The feeling of a growing sprout that wants to bloom.

Jungkook sneaks a peek at me, wondering about the question. "Well- I did steal back boxing gloves from her once. She almost knocked me out in one blow." He proceeds to kick a rock along the road.

I nodded, teeth chattering slightly. It was a long route from our dorm to the office, and we had to walk outside to access the next building. The wind was strong, enough to give me goose bumps.

Just then, I felt a hand intertwine with mine, before slipping it into a warm pocket. Jungkook.

The two of us walked along the route, silently. However, it felt so loud because of our resonating heart beats.

"T-the weather's kind of cold today, so..." He justifies, eyes diverting everywhere but me.

I nodded, blushing slightly. I squeeze his hand.

Just like that, we held hands till we reached the next building. When my fingers slip away from his, I felt a slight disappointment that the moment was, in fact, over. What am I doing? I asked myself, who was once determined to not fall for him.

I glance at Jungkook who was staring at me. When our eyes lock, he turns away quickly, ears red as a scarlet dawn.

"Ah- you're here!"

A strict-looking woman appeared from behind what seems to be the office door. She adorned a formal black suit, with a long pencil skirt. Framed around the crinkles of her eyes was sleek backed hair.

Somehow, I imagined the headmaster to be an old woman with camouflaged attire and a rifle. Who could make mountains fall with a single kick. Damn.

"Come in." She instructed.

As I stepped into the office, my jaw instantly dropped.

A boy.

A boy, whose face was sculpted from the gods. His eyes that stared was an entrancing abyss, one that you can easily fall into. Framing his perfect features was a mesmerising tone of blue hair, complimenting his fair skin. A single mole sits like a beauty mark on his left cheek.

"This is Kim Taehyung. The reason I called the two of you today was to bring him around the campus before class starts tomorrow." The headmaster explains, fumbling around her desk for something. I glance at Jungkook, who seems as equally surprised as me.

"There! Found it. Take this key and show him to his dorm room." She instructs.

I nodded, gesturing Taehyung to follow us. Taehyung, who is still staring hard at me, follows silently with hands in his pockets. Occasionally, I would glance at him, and I would notice that he was still looking at me.

"Hey..." a force pins down on my hand, accompanied by a deep voice. When I look down, I notice that Taehyung had grabbed my hand. Almost immediately- Jungkook pries it off me.

"What's going on with you? I just wanted to ask her something." Taehyung retorts.

Wait. Her?...

"I'm not a girl!" I exclaim, and the two of them turned to me in shock.

"Oh....uh. Really? Man, my bad." Taehyung smiles sheepishly. "I wanted to ask what you were doing here in a boy's school."

"Now that you know, don't touch him so carelessly again." Jungkook says coldly to him before walking to the front.

"What is he, your boyfriend?" Taehyung raises his brows at me, walking to the front as well.


"This is your room." I opened the door for him.

Taehyung runs in, plunging straight onto his bed. He jumps on it a few times, before falling down into an exhausted heap. "I like this room! You should come often. Not that guy though."

"He's called Jeon Jungkook." I scolded, placing both hands on my hips. "Not that guy."

"Whatever. Anyways, I heard he's a world renown boxer....but he doesn't look like it at all." Taehyung purses his lips, mocking Jungkook playfully.

"He is! He's extremely talented, not to mention, an amazing person. He's kind, he's patient and a really caring person. He's also really good looking, all the girls-

I stop when Taehyung froze, staring at me.

"W-what?" I furrow my brows together.

Just then- I followed his line of sight. I turn around to see....

Jungkook at the door.


Credits to this amazing artist!

Credits to this amazing artist!

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