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Jane hurried out of the restaurant and immediately flagged down a cab. The driver stopped, peered his head through the window and stared at her approaching form. 

“Where?” he asked. 

A tear threatened to fall but she wiped it away like a pesky fly, she would not cry. 

“Izuoba,” she replied. 

The driver nodded affirmatively and she walked towards the cab, opened it and sat down, carefully placing Junior on her lap. 

The cool wind whooshed in, blowing softly against her skin. Her eyes moistened and she fought to swallow the lump that had formed in her throat. She quickly blinked away the tears and forced a smile. 

She would not cry. 

The vehicle smelt of damp but the seats were comfortable. She reclined on it and shut her eyes, wanting desperately not to think about Emeka. 

She didn't know how long she had stayed like that until she was lulled out of it by the driver's voice. 

“Madam, where are you going to?” He asked agitatedly, tired of the fact that he had been driving longer than he expected. 

She snapped out of her head and looked around to realize that she had passed her junction, she had been so engrossed in her thoughts that she had lost focus. 

She looked at Junior who looked back at her, he was so quiet. 

“Driver stop,” she requested. 

When he stopped, she paid her fares and alighted from the cab. The driver  looked at her weirdly, his gaze lingering on her red teary eyes. 

“Are you okay?” he asked, his frown dissolved into a look of concern. 

She nodded with a forced smile and watched him drive away. She stared at her sorrounding. It was already raining when she alighted from the cab and there was no other vehicle in sight to take her back to her junction. 

Fortunately, a mini shop was nearby. She walked towards the shop, greeted the owner and asked if she could stay in.

The woman agreed and told her to sit. 

Jane sat on the long bench the lady provided,  she looked at junior and he appeared unusually quiet, she removed her jean jacket and wrapped it around him, then she made him sit on her lap. 

The memory of how she had been caught stealing at Mile One market and was nearly burnt at the stake had a mysterious man not save her suddenly resurfaced. 

She had gone through all she went through because of Emeka and now he had the guts to show his face to her and dare call Junior his son. She had known him to be a rapist and deciever but today, she was seeing him in the light of new eyes. He was a fool looking forward to reap where he did not sow.

When the rain dissipated to drizzles and vehicles were beginning to tow the road, Jane thanked the lady and flagged another vehicle which took her home. 

She arrived home heavy headed, dizzy and cold. With the little strength she had left, she bathed Junior with hot water and warmly tucked him into bed. 

She walked into the bathroom, bathed and wore warm clothing. She laid on the bed and tried to sleep but the events of the day played like a movie in her head. 

Disturbed, she logged into Facebook and scrolled through her newsfeed. It was a new account she had opened after the previous fiasco and so, her newsfeed was pretty uneventful unlike the former one. 

She also had a list of if new friend requests waiting to be confirmed. She tapped on the icon and to her utmost shock, she saw that Emeka had sent her a friend request. 

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