Chapter 1

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 Hey guys this is the first chapter
Support me on this one and please comment so I can know what you think of this book.

Avery's pov

Sitting on the floor at the corner of the little supposed guest room in the house that was once my home with bruises all over my body.

It has been like this for the past five months. Yeah my life has been hell or should I say I'm living in hell. It all started seven months ago when Richard my father in law who is more like my own father fell ill.

Ahhh!! I heard a loud thud and a groan that followed and I quickly rushed to the front door to see who was there and it was Richard. I became scared "Dad! What's wrong? What happened at the office?  " I asked Richard in my panicked state and he tried to say something but I wasn't able to make out the words he was saying cause it was faint.

The only thing that came to my mind was to dial 911 and that was exactly what I did. Fifteen minutes later, they came rushing in and when they saw Richard on the floor the put him on their stretcher and I entered the ambulance holding Richards Hands and praying for him to be okay because he is the only fatherly  figure I have.

Well about my own father?  I was practically a mistake to him and my mother. According to them, I was the reason they weren't able to go to a gala to meet a very important client because that was the time I was born and according to them I was so sick and they were not able to drop me with my nanny  which made them stay at home with me and my father could not go alone because without his wife with him, they would think he was not capable of the contract he was going to sign with that very important client.

As a result of staying with a new born me, they lost the contract and then the hatred from both of my parents began. For the past 21 years I've lived with them, all I've gotten in return was hatred. I was used to get back the money I made them loose.

They never failed to remind me that I was a mistake to them.

Back to my story. After we got to the hospital and he was in the theater I was so nervous and praying that nothing should happen to him. I immediately remembered that I've not called Damon and told him the condition of his dad. As I brought out my phone I heard footsteps coming towards me and I looked up to find Damon and Elena his mother and sister behind him.

"Baby I was just.... "
"Shut up" he yelled "what" I whispered because this was the first time since we got married that he has raised his voice at me in public.
"You heard me, i said shut up and we have an unfinished business when we get home" he said with hatred oozing  from his eyes and voice.

I was shocked. No Shock would be an understatement. I let it slide cause I thought he was stressed and tired from all the work and now this situation. The doctor came and we all ran to him to ask how Richard was.
"I'm sorry but the drug he took was really harmful that it distabilized some of his organs for now and he won't be able to do anything not even to walk or stand for the time being. He needs assistance and complete bed rest is adviced.

"Thank You doctor, is there anything th... " I was cut off by Damon "would you just shut up" he said pushing me aside to talk to the doctor.
I don't know why he's behaving like this, I did nothing to deserve this behavior from him. I am even the one who brought Richard to the hospital and thus is all I get. 


After Richard was discharged from the hospital, he was kept in the master suite room in Damon's house yeah his house because I can't even call this place myhome.

From time to time, I would go to check up on Richard and we would laugh and gist all through and when it's time to take his drugs I would give him. I never mentioned how Damon abused and beat me every night.
One faithful day after seeing Richard and giving him his drugs, I came out of the room and went to the kitchen to drink water. I was about to enter when I saw Megan who I recently knew was Damon's new girlfriend mixing some things and using an  injection to take in the liquid.

I was so shocked. As I was about to meet her to ask her what was in it when the front door opened and Damon walked in looking tired. I used the opportunity to quickly see the liquid when Damon and Megan walked in.

I was startled because I thought they were going to the room. 
"what the hell is that? What are you holding?" Damon asked
"Where do.... Damn it!  So you are  the one giving him these pills to worsen his condition. How dare you how could you... "  Damon yelled
"No I.. I  I didn't I saw meg... " I was cut off by the witch
"Whatttt " she screeched "you were obviously the one we saw with the drugs in her hands so why are you still denying when you were caught red handed " then she started making weird noises which I knew that she was fake sobbing.

"You bitch" Damon dragged my hair and slapped me. Hard.
I thought it was over but no he gave me countless times and then he started beating me mercilessly.
"No I did.. I didn't do any... thing Damon believe me, please stop you are hurting me " I cried. But he didn't listen. The last thing I remembered was him pushing me backward and me hitting my head hard on the kitchen counter.

I blacked out.

That's how it has been all these months. The beatings has imcreased and his mom and sister now hates me.
I always tried explaining to them  that I am innocent but they always shut me up and I am now their slave.

I'm the cook, cleaner, gardener and all you could think of. And whatever I did they always found fault. Even when some of Damon's friends come to visit Damon, they would try to talk to me but Damon always drive them away telling them what and what not. You know I never said anything because I believe that they'll pay for what they are doing one day.

Since I've got no one to support me or love me or care for me, all I do is sit in one place numb. In my spare time I draw cause that's the only thing I share my feelings with and my diary? don't get me started on that one it's filled already and I've attached another book to it and every page filled with my dried tears.

I don't know what to do anymore.
I get to bear beatings every night and after I hear moans every night. I am tired, there's no day that pass that I don't pray for Damon to realize his mistakes and ask forgiveness but its all in vain. Instead the torture increases.
I always get broken ribs whenever I get beaten and I'm not allowed to go out to the hospital so I treat myself.

Like yesterday Damon came back home and the first thing he did was...
"You bitch, where are you? I didnt know  you were this evil" he said coming towards me with fury and hate in his eyes
"I'm sorry please don't hit me, please I'm already here you sent for me sir yo... "
"Shut up bitch" he seethed with that cold look
Oh no.. no he gonna sl.. WHAM!
I felt the slap. It was so painful as usual.

I always thought to run away from this house but one part of my heart holds me back wishing he would change.

How stupid am I?

Hey guys please I need support on this one.

The first chapter so far
Q. O. T. D.......what do you think of Avery?

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