chapter 30

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The setting sunset made everything sparkle. The orange reflection rested on my face making it glow.
Such a nice evening' I thought as I looked out the window of my luxurious and well furnished room.

I'm overwhelmed. In fact I don't know the name to put for all the actions Damon had and has taken. He has changed, like literally changed.
He has been more than a domestic man here in this room. He never allows the maids to sweep the room, he does it himself as I remember him saying...
"I don't want them to sweep and in the process, you'll catch dust which would make you more sick. You could catch catarrh or cough and I don't want that".

The funniest part is that I don't even talk to him or ask him anything he just explains his every move, he tells me about his day and how the activities in the office went, of all the clients he met and those he'd meet. It's shocking.

He prepares my food, he changes my bandages as much as I hate every close contact with him. Why? Because he makes me feel so helpless. That courage I think I possessed when I left has disappeared. Now, I'm just the weak pathetic woman. I'm just so vulnerable now.

To be honest, all Damon's actions has been questionable. If that wasn't unsettling enough, he does what ordinary people do.
He had the entire room filled with different scented flowers every single day, he even bought so many books for me to read! And they were all from my favourite Author.
Dow does he know all these? I don't know!

The most shocking and most unsettling thing is that he never left my side. He never left or leaves me alone. He never left my side even. He sleeps in the couch at the far corner of the room. And like he knows his presence disturbs me, he shifted the couch himself to the far corner of the room. He works from the room, ate from the room and does every other thing in this room and I keep asking myself, 'what on earth happened to his room?' Was it by anyway infested with termites?.

Not to mention the smile he ALWAYS has on his face. He never smiled this much before. Now, his smile reached his eyes, not to brag but his eyes always lit up every time he looks at me and it's scary.
His smile was something I had craved all the years we've been married and I didn't even get any.

He calls me so many annoying pet names I wished he did before.
I didn't even know how to tell him to stop because I promised myself, I wouldn't talk to him at least until I leave this house. And that has been possible until now. I'm in the verge of snapping at him.
He handles me like I'm some breakable valuable object he cherishes which is annoying. In fact, when he changes my bandages, he winces like he was the injured one in pain.


It had been a week since she woke up and every morning, she would wake up to a smiling Damon with her breakfast. At noon, same and in the evenings, same. And she wondered if he ever went to work.
He always cherished his work to any other thing last time she checked.

She hadn't felt any ounce of love from the people she wanted to show her love. And it looks and feels so strange now that the people she least expected showed it.

She watches Damon's actions everyday and she is fed up with his ' changed attitude'
What was he trying to prove? What was he trying to achieve? What was he trying to do? When did she mean so much to him? Has been the questions that she didn't have an answer to. She racked her brain for any answer but she got none.

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