chapter 34

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She couldn't even get a good night rest knowing the sole reason of her nightmares is just doors away.

She gave up trying when sleep didn't come back. When she checked the time, it was just past six. 'So early for a weekend' she thought as she made her way into the kitchen. She shivered as the cold leftover air from the storm the previous night hit her skin.

After checking for what to cook, Avery settled for simple pancakes deciding to go grocery shopping later as all her foodstuffs are gone. Only soup items were left but she wasn't sick either.

After cooking, Avery realised Damon hasn't come out yet.
Maybe he'd left her subconscious said.
"Ah, that's quite alright, perfect even" she muttered under her breath.

She knocked on the door but she didn't get an answer. She tried again and when she got no answer, she pushed the door open. He was a sight to behold indeed. More muscular and all. She diverted her eyes elsewhere as she thought of ways to wake him up to go back home.

"Ahem" she tried clearing her throat to wake him but the man was still sleeping. He was a light sleeper before' she thought.
She had enough already. She walked to where he laid.
"Hey, its time to leave " she said out loud but Damon kept snoring away.
"Dam-_" she stopped mid sentence when she realised something wasn't right. He is sweating profusely ' but the air conditioner is on" she thought.

She touched his forehead only for Damon to sigh deeply as he fluttered his eyes open.

So beautiful, magnetising and all mine. Damon thought as soon as he saw her. Her touch was so soothing.
With the way he was feeling inside, he knew he was already sick but he wasn't complaining at all. He smiled when he realised her warm hands was on his head.

Avery immediately withdrew her hand when she realised he was fully awake and smiling.
"Ahem uh... Its time for you to go" she said as she walked to the door.

When she didn't get a reply, she turned to look at him only to find him already looking at her.
She raised her brows questioningly waiting for objections but she didn't get any.

"Get dressed and leave. There's breakfast on the table you can eat if you like." She said as she shut the door behind her as she went to take a bath to start the morning.

'I'm going nowhere' were Damon's thoughts as he succumbed to his weak body as sleep carried him away. He already felt his body was in fire now but he couldn't even move any limb as it is.

After dressing, she came back to the room to check if he'd left but he didn't leave.
She saw his reddened fave and she knew he was sick already. She sighed in defeat as she walked into the bathroom coming back with a bowl and towel to place on his forehead and chest to cool his temperature.

She placed one towel on his head and one on his chest wiping away his sweats. She did that countless times until she felt his temperature was normal. She then decided to make soup for him cause of his cold.

Luckily for him, that was the only complete thing left in her kitchen cupboard. It felt like fate was in play.

When Damon woke up, he felt a whole lot better than before. He already had a hunch of who treated him. He looked to the side and saw a tray with a covered plate on it. He checked 'soup' he cringed at the smell. The soup was still hot.

He drank the soup and luckily, he was able to stand. He called his driver for some change of clothes and more for a few days as he wasn't even planning on leaving.

Avery came back from the grocery shopping she went to and decided on her way back to branch a small mini hospital to get drugs for cold for the man who thought it right to come to her place during the heavy downpour of rain.

She placed the grocery's in their rightful place in the kitchen then she decided to go check on Damon.
She knocked first to make sure he was descent before entering the room. He was fast asleep already.
'But he has to take his drugs' she thought as his body(temperature) was still a little bit hot.
"Damon" she tapped gently to prevent him from waking up in a jolt to avoid severe headache.
"Mhmm" he groaned. Avery rolled her eyes and gently pulled him to a sitting position so he could take his drugs.

Luckily, he drank the drugs without much problems as he didn't throw his tantrums like he normally does when he sees the sight of medicine. She then left him to rest.
'When he gets better, he fucks out of my house' Avery told herself. She doesn't want to catch feelings for a douche.

Avery prepared the food she had heard so much about and was willing to try out which was 'the Nigerian jellof rice and salad'
It took her almost an hour and half to accomplish what she had in mind and she was so happy it came out perfect.
It was so tasty.

She was placing both plates on the table when she heard the clearing of someone's throat.'Damon' she sighed.

"Uh hey" Damon greeted nervously. He wasn't regretting staying here, he was scared to get on her bad side resulting to her chasing him out of her apartment. He didn't want that. He knew he was walking on a thin thread right now.
When he didn't get a reply from her, he panicked praying he didn't get on her bad side.
"What did you do, I feel so much better. Thank you for taking ca-"

"Eat your food. You need to take your drugs" Avery interrupted his 'speech' coldly.

"Um yeah. Thank you for the food" Damon smiled at her but frowned when he didn't get any in return. He wasn't expecting her to smile at him, but he expected her to go a little bit easier with him.

Damon almost groaned in delight when he tasted the food. He has had something like this once when they went for a meeting in a hotel and they served this. But Avery's was more pleasant to him. He was more than happy to eat every single grain of rice from his plate. He hasn't tasted her food for a long, Long time now and now he had the opportunity, he wasn't going to waste it.

I don't like this chapter at all. I don't just feel it.
Sorry for the late update.

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