Chapter 5

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I'm having problems with my story. Its coming out in two chapters. Tell me its same in yours please, I need to know so I can correct the errors.

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I travelled to where grandma Delia told me to go and according to her that was where Avery was the last time she checked on her and hopefully she'd still be there.

I'm ready to try anything as long as I get to see her again and apologize for my past behavior.

That's if she'll be able to stand your presence my subconscious mocked.

I shook my head as if getting rid of the negative thoughts and focused on reaching where my baby works.

I reached the animal hospital that was far from the hotel I'm currently staying in and I parked towards the entrance though not close enough where someone would be able to see me clearly and I looked inside.

I'm really behaving like a creep.

Just a glimpse of her angelic face and I'm okay. Just a glimpse..

I froze when I saw a really familiar caramel coloured hair sit directly facing the entrance of the hospital. It was her, its really her. I don't know how long I was sitting here watching her every move when a lady ran to her to tell her something and it seemed the lady was very happy because of her body language.

I saw My baby coming towards the direction of my car when I quickly reversed and drove off before she sees me cause I know my face alone would ruin her day.


I kept coming to the hospital just to see her face. I always come as early as seven just to see her figure enter the hospital. I kept coming and coming just to stare at her and as observant as always she always looked around like someone was watching her which is true because that some one is me.

After yesterday, I don't think only her face is enough. I want, no, need to have her in my arms, I need to sniff her hair like before so I can inhale her strawberry and vanilla body scent that never fails to calm me.

And now here am I today ready to show my face so that she would see me. And also so I can see her reaction when she sees me after all these years.

Better now then later.

Before coming here today I told my investigator to investigate the hospital whether they were treating my baby well or wether the hospital had problems they are facing. And then he came back to me saying they lacked a particular drug that I don't know how to pronounce what!!...

I had to purchase the drug as a medium to enter the hospital, though I'm well known wherever I go, if I should use my influence here on the owner of the hospital, my Avery wouldn't like that because I remember her once telling me when we were together that she hates when someone uses influence in whatever they do, So no that's out of options.
I made sure to drop the drug with the gate man but I was almost exposed cause the man immediately recognized me and was about to inform everyone about my arrival but I sushed him and he gulped fearfully.

I took a deep breadth and wiped my hands that was already filled with sweat on my suit pants.

Weird right? I'm really nervous right now.
Only she can make me like this and I know it.

I almost turned back to enter my car when I saw her coming towards the gate maybe to collect the drugs. She greeted the gateman cheerfully but I know under that cheerful face lies a broken hearted person. Her eyes were empty, the brown eyes that always had golden flecks whenever she smiles is gone. Its no more there...
And its all because of ME.

She carried the box and then said something that required hand gestures which made her purse fall and she pouted oh God I can't resist that face cause it makes me go weak on my knees. I quickly stepped forward as I was tempted to pick the purse and carry the box from her which was way to big for her when she stood straight and her eyes locked with mine.

First she froze.

And Then

Fear, pain, disgust, hate and all were the first emotions that crossed her eyes and I read them completely. Her hands started trembling and shaking and before I knew it, she ran

No! more like fled from me.

I stood there thinking it was just my imagination that she ran from me and when I came to reality she was already far and I did the next thing that came to my mind. I ran after her shouting her name but she refused to stop, the next thing I heard was a screeching noise that made me freeze.

She fell on the floor with blood oozing from her head.

"Avery!!! "I screamed but it was already too late. People rushed to the scene but I pushed passed them and grabbed her body that was already filled with blood and I put her body on mine not minding the expensive suit I was wearing. She is more than important right now.

On cue an ambulance came and as a nurse tried to take her from me I glared at her with cold eyes and she shivered and went back.
"Sir!, sir! " Gabriel my driver yelled behind me, "she's saying something" and I quickly looked at the angel filled with blood in my hands. Her mouth was moving and I put my ear close to her mouth only to hear her saying in am almost inaudible whimper "s..stay away you mo.. monster,'t touch.. and then she closed her eyes. I waited, and when she didn't open eyes and when I put my face near her mouth she wasn't breathing. If she was it was faint.

"No! No baby look I'm not holding you, Avery! Avery! " I screamed and my eyes were already giving out tears.
"Sir you need to let go" Gabriel said again and I immediately put her on the stretcher and they started cleaning her bruises.
"Drive the Goddamn ambulance faster she's getting cold" I yelled at the driver and he obeyed.

Soon we reached the hospital and the immediately took her inside a room shutting me out.
There and then, I broke down in tears.

Two hours has past and no one's saying anything. Shit!!
I immediately made plans with my pilot to get the jet ready, I told my investigator to get all her belongings in her house to the plane because once she's out of that fucking room, she's going back with me to New York.

This shit happened all because of me and I'm gonna fix it.

Hello lovelies 😊😊

Hope you enyoyed The chapter.


The Wanted Unwanted  Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon