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I was about to lose my consciousness when he suddenly left my lips and murmured in between my gasps.


I took a huge breath but his lips once captured mine again in an overbearing kiss, as if he was a thirsty man finally getting a drink of water.

I was left gasping, panting for air, my face was screaming bloody red and my body was now too soft due to his kiss.

Then he once left my lips again, not after biting my bottom lip and a string of white was seen.

"My lord!" I squeak in horror as I covered my face with my own hands.

I was embarrassed. humiliated by my response towards his kisses.

"Stop quivering or I'll kiss you again"

His words made me peek between my fingers, his face was still cold and stoic but his eyes lay a hidden amusement. Flushing beet red, I bow my head and let my loose hair cover my entire face.

How freaking embarrassing!


After that session, he was always lurking behind the shadows. Whether I was playing with the twins, reading a book, or even eating, he is always there.

I already knew about the war being finished three months earlier and it made me nervous. It wasn't supposed to finish that fast, and with his behavior, I am feeling more and more confused.

If he wasn't working or training, he always watched me with the twins or just lurk around the shadows which still creep the hell out of me.

Now, I watch the twins on the soft carpet as they tried their best to lift their necks and their upper body. Their heads were so cute as they wobble adorably before settling down into the carpet. Stifling a giggle, I took the two of them in my embrace and peppered them with kisses.

"My two adorable munchkins! You're growing so big now mamma's almost sad~" I said in between my kisses and their noises.

It was so easy for me to accept them as my child since I've lived a long life wishing to have my own but wasn't given a chance since I left the world early.

Then out of nowhere, Haru took a small rattling drum from a man's hand and I was left dumbfounded when he took my child from my embrace.

It was Alec.

Holding my baby boy as he rattled his drum towards his father with a big toothless smile. He must have noticed my burning stare and glance at me with a furrowed brow.

"Uhh.....Y-you finished your work?" I ask, stopping myself from becoming a quivering mess under his sight.

I still remember the way his lips kissed mine, the force and the heat emanating from him as I held him in fear of further falling. I grew aghast when I notice that I was blushing from my memories of him, I immediately shook my head repeatedly as my daughter followed my head with her eyes.

This body was still rattling in fear at this man but at the same time was like a flower craving for the suns warmth.

"The war is finished, and I'll be reporting to the king"

Oh, that's right, he was supposed to report back after a week of rest. But, why is he saying this to me? He must have noticed the inquiry in my eyes and said.

"I will be taking you to the castle"

Say what?!

I was gaping like a fish when the twins giggle, seems like they found me funny for it. Next to my baby boy was my husband, his lips situated in an upward motion.

He was smiling.

Which I have never seen in our year and a half marriage, ever. Well to be fact I haven't even seen him before but then again I knew that he hold no feelings for me whatsoever.

Suddenly, my mind was caught up with one question, my eyes flickering over him repeatedly as he played with the twins in his lap.

"What is it?" His words made me flinch as I smiled hesitantly before asking.

"Did you... met a woman?"

Have a great day and stay safe!


Thank you!

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