|| T W E N T Y- E I G H T ||

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The silence ensued after we left the carriage together. The maids seemed to sense the atmosphere between us so they just nod and continue to do their work.

I immediately went upstairs and close the door with a bang. Huffing in anger, I could only grit my teeth, afraid of angering this big thigh!

If I haven't relied on him a lot of times, I would have kicked him where the sun doesn't shine! He's like a woman who is pms-ing!

"Madam?" Amy's voice made me took my claws off the poor pillow.

"What is it?"

"The...the master said that he-he would...sleep in the study" her words got smaller and smaller until I couldn't keep the smile on my face.

"That bas- Let him be! I don't care!" I shouted at the top of my lungs so that he can hear it too.

Amy just nodded her head timidly and walked out with her small back shivering. I must have frightened her, I wasn't usually this angry, well, furious.

I think I'm the one pms-ing.

And at that very night, he didn't sleep here. Stubborn assh*le!


Three days have passed since our cold war. It's been a horrible moment for the two of us, much more to the maids and butlers that have to serve us with their stiff smiles.

"Where are you going madam?" The head butler's voice made me look behind me.

"I'm going to a hunting, it was an invitation from my dearest friend, Luci" I replied while his face looked shocked.

"Madam! A hunt? Would you be okay? Does the master know-"

"He knows" Lie. I'm angry, let's savor this tantrum of mine since it refinery won't happen a sin, or else I'm off to the guillotine.

He gave a big sigh of relief and let me off. Today, I wore skin-tight pants with a long sleeve collared shirt and some big boots. I gave my goodbyes to my twins and kissed their cheeks.

I took one of the maids that I knew were nimble and fast as well as three guards. I got inside the carriage and look at the diminishing estate with a heavy thought.

I just hope that he won't come back today.

"Iseiah! You came!" Luci said as she hugged me tightly.

"Of course I will come, you invited me!" I grinned as she let out a snort.

"Well forgive me, your highness, your husband isn't really the type of person that will approve of his wife to be out in broad daylight wearing skin-tight pants and hunting rabbits and foxes"

Well, that man is having a cold war with me so I don't really think he cares right now.

"It's fine, I did my puppy dog eyes on him so he agreed" Lies.

"Oh, that's right! I did those puppy dog eyes to the crown prince and he agreed to this hunt! It was thanks to you!" She said which made me laugh. Men wouldn't resist a beauty with big doe eyes looking at them pitifully while crying out her wishes coquettishly.

I looked at the vast forest that we would go in. It was said to be safe to hunt here, no board and bears to eat us.

"Duchess Castellion? Is it really you?" A familiar feminine voice was heard and soon I looked to my right and see the crown prince's sister.

"Greetings to your highness" we both bow our heads while Racquelyn just laughs at us.

"No need for greetings, we're all family here" she giggled while she held my hand.

"Thank you your high-" she glared at me playfully "Thank you Racquelyn"

"So if any of your husband and future husband bullied you, just tell me and I'll deal it with a whip!"

Oh, I like this woman.

Tomorrow's chapter would be exciting so please do not be angry at today's chapter hahaha...

The reason for the husband's anger and the task may take longer. There is a reason people so I hope you can wait 😅😅

Anyways, thank you so so much for the comments! Even though I don't usually comment, just blame it on my laziness.


Thank you!

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