|| T H I R T Y- S E V E N ||

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"I knew"

It was like a heavy boulder was lifted off if my chest, but then, what does he knew?

I started getting a bit more fidgety in his stares as I try to think of what he's saying. Then suddenly, he held me close and whispered to me.

"I trust you"

A stray tear fell from my eye as I registered his words. It was like he pushed me on a high cliff then caught me in his warm embrace.

"Mmm" I tremble in his embrace as I pulled his body tightly towards me. Gripping on his clothes, I continued to tear up and sniffle.

Only the sounds of our breathing and my continuous sniffling resonates into the study. His arm were caging me tightly while he try to calm me by rubbing circles on my back.

Eventually, I slept in his embrace for a while and was woken up when he put me on our bed.

"Alec?" My voice was still sore from my cries earlier.

"Hmm?" His eyes were pointed towards me, his hands on my face as he caress my cheek with gentle touches.

"I trust you too and I think I-"

"You think you're?" He looks like he was anticipating something with his gleeful eyes and smile.

"I think I want to sleep"

I didn't knew what face he's wearing now because I already closed my eyes and was lulled into a dream.

Unbeknownst to me, Alec chuckled and lean into my face. After studying it for a minute, his eyes zoomed in to my lips and then kissed me.

"You're killing me" he groaned as if he was in pain but his eyes were looking at me with doting.


Two weeks have passed and on those days, if I wasn't playing with the kids, I would chat with Luci and Racquelyn along with Amy.

Alec was busy again, but this time, he was giving me some attention. Before he would go out he would ask if I am feeling fine and then after he arrive, the first thing he would ask is if I have eaten yet.

I feel like I was becoming muddled by his sweet words and warm eyes that I am slowly forgetting the incident back then.

The wedding for Luci and the slag prince will took on in about two months time. I always laugh at Luci whenever she would come to our estate, seeing her face that looks like a ripening tomato.

She would ask me about the rules and etiquettes for married women and I would answer her with a different one. I didn't know that there are rules and etiquettes for married women!

Now, I was sitting in the couch while watching the twins playing and talking together. It felt like a long time since I held them and okay with them. So I sat towards them and Haru immediately took notice of me and say.

"Mama! Papa?" Haru asked me, he was standing up and is currently holding his favorite toy.

Fuyu was fast in her toes as she looked at me with her glimmering eyes. She too was holding her doll that was given to the both of them by their father.

"Papa is in the castle, so, do you want to play with me?" I ask as I pinch their bulging white cheeks.

"Nope! Hayu wan Papa!"

"Fuyu wan Papa!"

These two! How can they set their father as their first priority and not me?! Me who have carried them for months and gave birth to them?!

This is really unfair!

"Papa is outside working, so you don't have any choice but to play with me" I immaturely said as they scrunched their faces up and turn their butts on me.

This two! I think they really need a beating or two!


Hey people!! Thank you for the votes and comments!! Hope this story would receive a lot of love from you!


Thank you!

My lady- not!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin