|| T H I R T Y ||

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"Iseiah, wh-what should we....we do?" Luci said, her whole body trembling from fear.

Racquelyn just looked at me, in her eyes are pure fear and agitation. She was silent, biting her lips to prevent her cries.

"I- Let's calm first and wait"

To be honest, I don't really know what should we do in this kind of situation. I've never been in this kind of scene in my past life and today, I felt like crying.

When I notice that it seems to be silent now, I lightly tug their sleeves and motion for them to move stealthily.

"Remember, we should all be silent and when one of us has escaped, immediately go for help" I whispered to them as I wandered my eyes.

"But...but what if one of us...w-was caught?" Racquelyn said with a shiver.

"Leave and don't look back. We need immediate help so do not look back, understand?"

They both nodded and I sighed in relief. After half an hour of hiding and walking, I could see the exit when a bang was heard.

"Ahh-" I immediately closed Luci's mouth with my hand and tugged them into a rock formation.

Psht! Psht!

Two noble ladies died in our very own eyes as I kept the trembling on my hands invisible to my friend's eyes. I can't let them see me panicking or we will be screwed.

A man with a rugged look emerged and then several men have arrived. They both took the dead woman's things and threw their bodies somewhere. They all look gruff and buff, their faces were smeared with dirt and each of them has a gun in their hands.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are~" The man which I assumed is their leader sang in the most traumatizing way.

It gave chills on my spine and I cannot help but to curled more into the rock. We aren't too near towards the entrance but they were moving out and entering the forest again based on their leader's instructions.

There were only three people that remained at the entrance, one of them was the leader. I think this is our chance.

"Luci, Racquelyn, listen to me. We need our bows to kill those three-"

"What?" Luci's face was white as she tried to register my words.

"We need to kill them before they kill us!" I harshly whispered as Racquelyn nodded her head, tears falling from their faces.

"Ready your bows, after we shot them, run fast and get help. Remember my words earlier, no matter who escaped first must get help, immediately" they both nodded their head and we immediately assemble our bows and arrows.

This will let us know whether we will survive or not.

The men are seating and chatting so I took the chance to draw our bows. We both draw our bows together then we released them at the same time. Two men lay dead while their leader immediately spring into action and took a gun and shot at us repeatedly.

"Bitches! How dare you! I'm gonna kill your pretty heads and hung them into the forest! Show yourselves!"

He was like a madman shooting his gun in every direction and when I saw that he's reloading his gun, I immediately told them to run.

I run as I've never done before. My bare feet were killing me with the stones but I continued to run for my life.

"You shits!" He saw us when we are about to get out of the forest and then I heard a bang.

"Do a zigzag run! Don't let the bullet hit you! Don't look back and just run!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Luci and Racquelyn had safely reached the exit and when I was about to go for them, a strong force threw me to the ground as I silently gasp in pain.

"You f*cking bitch! You think you're gonna escape, huh?!" Then he hit me with his hand and I immediately tasted some blood on my lips.

I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine and he groaned in pain. That's when I took his gun but he was faster and he kicked me in my stomach. I was hurling in pain while he harshly pulled my hair and slapped me again.

"You dirty whore! I'm gonna kill you!"

Then he choked me with such brute force. I tried to take his hands off of my neck when I suddenly remembered a situation like this. My college taught me some self-defense and I immediately poked his eyes out, hard.

He pulled himself off of me and cried while I run towards the entrance when a tight grip suddenly took hold of my wrist and bound me.

"Let me go! Let me g-"


I looked up and saw a new man and he immediately bounded by hand with a rope. I tried to resist but he punched my stomach. I grit my lips in pain and just stood still.

"This bitch was a tough one, eh?" He said as he tightens the ropes on my hand.

"She needs to be f*cking killed! She pokes my eyes and kicks me in my area! That bitch deserves to die!" Their leader said when he was suddenly punched by the man.

"She's valuable, wife of the general commander of their kingdom," he said, his eyes were too cold.

I gulped and sat silently, enduring the pain on my stomach and cheeks. I'm sure my hands will have marks after this.

For now, I should think of myself, and how I should get out of this situation.

Tomorrow will be another exciting chapter people!! Please wait for it!! 😊😊

Anyways, thank you so so much for your love for this story! I love you, people!!


Thank you!

My lady- not!Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα