Must have been the wind pt. 2 (Peter can sing)

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A/N: part two of Peter can sing, must have been the wind. Read the first one, or this one will not make sense. T/W: ⚠️ mention of sexual assault. Do not read if this is a sensitive subject. Does not include description of anything that is done. Enjoy :))


It was late in the evening. Clint couldn't stop thinking about what he had heard. The sadness in Peters voice. The brokenness. He couldn't do anything.

All through dinner Clint was glacing at Peter, who was more quiet than usual. Everyone knew the week, and about Aunt May, so no one mentioned anything, they knew Peter just needed his quiet time, but Clint was starting to worry. He knew the other half of the story, and he knew that it was probably weighing down Peter.

It had happened to him around the same age as Peter. He had felt guilty for something he could help. He felt disgusting and dirty. He couldn't bare the thought of Peter feeling that way. Like everyone would hate him.

Peter had excused himself early from game night, and shortly after Clint excuses himself as well. He knocked on Peters door gently.

"Come in." Peter said.

Clint opened the door. "Oh hi uncle Clint." Peter did a half smiled, covering the previously blank face.

"Hey, um, hey Peter... can I talk with you." Clint started, in an almost sad manner.

Peter looked confused. What did Clint want to talk about that was so sad? Then it hit him.
"Uncle C-Clint did someone d-die?"

Clint looked surprised. He supposed he had heard similar, when his family died. "No, no, no one died." Peter visibly relaxed, then looked kinda embarrassed that he had gotten so scared.

"Listen... Peter, I just want you to know, I'm here if you ever want to talk... there are some things I've gone through that you might not know about." Clint said carefully.

Peter looked, yet again, confused, "Um thanks Uncle Clint, but where is this coming from? What... are you talking about? Are you okay?"

Clint looked at Peter. Who could have hurt him?
"Uncle Clint? Your scaring me."k Peter said nervously.

"Alright... I- I heard you singing. I was in the vent... you have a great voice Peter... but, I know what you went through."

Peter looked horrified for a second before quickly talking, " No that wasn't- it isn't what it sounds like-."

Clint cut him off, " Peter, you aren't a horrible person. You didn't have control over the situation. You need to talk to someone. I will help. I promise. You can even just talk to me. I've been through what you have."

Peter looked at Clint, giving in, sadness swelling over him. "Th-the dame thing happened to you?"

Clint's eyes grew soft, "Well, maybe not exactly the same, but yeah... I was your age. And I-it was my teacher. He was my favorite teacher, because he was always so nice to me. Then one day he asked me to stay after school, to go over my homework. He- he said it was part of the assignment... if I told anyone, they would call me a whore. But this isn't about me. You can tell me anything Peter. I won't tell your dad, if your in a good situation, if you aren't in trouble."

Peters eyes filled with tears. "I-it was the week Aunt May died. My s-social worker was figuring things out a-and she told m-me I h-had to meet her in h-her office. Th-That whole week she d-did and she m-made me do th-things that I didn't want to do. She made me t-take off all m-my clothes a-and-."

Peter burst into tears. Clint held Peter close, letting him cry into his shirt. Clint knew how Peter felt. "Shhh, she's gone now Peter. She's gone. Your safe."

Peter nodded shakily. "I'm a horrible m-monster. You should j-just kill me." Clint had tears in his eyes. How could Peter say that?

"No Peter. You are perfect. It's her that shouldn't be here. You aren't a monster."

Peter nodded, and just cried. He cried for maybe an hour before dozing off, Clint holding him close on the bed.
"Clint?" Peter asked drowsily.


"Don't leave. I want you to stay."

Clint nodded, " Okay."

"A-and don't tell dad."

Clint nodded again.

"Don't worry Peter. Your safe here. You can come to me whenever you want."

Later my gators 🐊

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