cause youre my dad pt 2

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  Peter woke up finding himself on Tony's chest. For a second he was confused. What was he doing cuddled next to... oh right. Oh no, no one could see this. Had he said that in front of everyone? He had never done anything like that to Tony. He had never even pat Tony on the back- or called him Tony no less Dad!!

Oh my gosh the whole team was there! Maybe they didn't notice. Maybe they were all watching the movie. Maybe he was mumbling so no one heard. Oh my gosh Tony probably hated him. Wait- he was still laying on Tony.

He quickly got up and looked around. No one, good... but people where awake and in the kitchen. Oh my gosh they probably saw him!

Peter had to get up. But he was so warm next to Tony... no, he had to get up.

"Um, hey guys." Peter said entering the kitchen. Everyone seemed so smiley, and where scattered around the kitchen.

"Hey Peter." Steve said, flipping a pancake at the stove.

Peter felt himself going red, "So um last night... did you um see when..."

"You called Tony your dad and fell asleep on top of him?"

Peter winced, "And then this morning..."

This is when Clint popped in, "When you two were both still asleep on the couch curled up next to each other."

Peter groaned, "Oh Mr. Starks gonna hate me!"

This is when Tony walked in, "Who's gonna hate you?"

Peter froze, "Uh, Mr. Stark, I'm so sorry about last night, I was over tired and I wasn't thinking, it definitely wasn't professional I'm so sorry, I get it if you don't want me here, I mean I would be sad but I get it because you might think I'm weird now and I'm just real sorry about that I'm last night."

Tony smiled, "Kid, slow down, I'm not kicking you out and I don't hate you."

Peter sighed, "Oh thank goodness, it won't happen again Mr. Stark."

Tony looked slightly upset, it Peter didn't catch on.

"Kid, don't you think you should be calling me something other than Mr. Stark. It's been a year." Tony said.

Peter looked confused, "Then what would I call you, just Stark... no that's scary... Iron man?... Tony? Tones? T- dog- definitely not...." Peter trailed off in thought but was interrupted by Tony, "I mean... Dad sounded pretty good."

Peter stopped talking and looked up at Tony.
"Wh-What?" Peter said in shock.

Abort the mission!

"I mean you don't have to I'm just saying your like a son to me and I liked when you slept on me and called me dad, but you totally don't have to I understand."

This time Tony was interrupted by Peter running up and giving him a bear hug.
Tears slowly came down Peters face, "S-Sorry, it's just... I've never had a dad, and your like, the only one I want to call dad, and I just... I never... thank you."

Tony smiled, "Kid, your the best son I could ask for."

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